Civil War Blogs

A. Lincoln Blog

All Not So Quiet Along the Potomac

Battlefield Wanderings

Behind Antietam on the Web

Bull Runnings


Cenantua’s Blog

Chickamauga Blog 

Civil Discourse

Civil War Books & Authors

Civil War Bookshelf

Civil War Florida

Civil War Headstones

Civil War Medicine

Civil War Memory

Civil War Notebook

Civil War Pop

Civil War Voices

Civil War Women

Civil Warriors

Confederate Book Review

Cosmic America


Daily Chronicles of the American Civil War

Dead Confederates

Disunion Blog

Emerging Civil War

Faces of War

Fredericksburg Remembered

From the Fields of Gettysburg

Hoofbeats and Cold Steel

Immigrant’s Civil War

Interpretive Challenges

Jublio! The Emancipation Century

Knoxville 1863, The Novel

Lint in my Pocket

My Civil War Obsession

My Year of Living Rangerously

Mysteries and Conundrums

Notre Dame in the Civil War

Of Battlefields and Bibliophiles

Rantings of a Civil War Historian

Regular Cavalry in the Civil War

Renegade South

Shenandoah 1864

South from the North Woods

Spotsylvania Civil War

Tennessee in the Civil War

The 1861 Project

The 48th Pennsylvania Infantry

The Battle of Franklin

The Civil War Gazette

The Civil War Monitor (The Front Line)

The Civil War Monitor (The Bookshelf)

The Sable Arm

This Mighty Scourge

To the Sound of the Guns


13th Mississippi Infantry Regiment


Civil War Interest

The American Civil War Roundtable UK

Chronicling America

Civil War Book Review

Civil War Interactive

Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System

Flags of the Confederacy

Historical Marker Database

Illinois Civil War Muster Roll Database

LOC Civil War Photographs Online

Making of America Collection

New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center

The National Tribune Online

The United States Civil War Center

U.S. Army Heritage Collection Online


Regimental Sites

8th Alabama Emerald Guard

9th Connecticut Volunteers

10th Tennessee Volunteers

13th Pennsylvania Cavalry

20th New York State Militia

28th Massachusetts Volunteers

35th Indiana Volunteers

37th New York Volunteers

69th New York Volunteers

69th Pennsylvania Volunteers

69th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Ireland)

88th New York Volunteers

88th New York Volunteers Company B

88th New York Volunteers Company K

90th Illinois Volunteers

116th Pennsylvania Volunteers

155th New York Volunteers

Missouri Irish Brigade


Irish Interest

Got Ireland

Griffith’s Valuation

History Ireland



Irish American Story Project

Irish Centre For Migration Studies

Irish Family History

Irish History Online

Irish History Podcast

Irish History Round Table

Irish in Iowa

Mark Holan’s Irish-American Blog

Military History Society of Ireland

Myles Dungan’s History Site

Myles Walter Keogh

New York Irish History Round Table

Old Athlone Society

Patrick Cleburne Society

Pue’s Occurrences

The 1848 Tricolour Celebration

The American Irish Historical Society

The Irish American Museum of Washington D.C.

The Irish Story

The Irish Volunteers

The Military Heritage Trust of Ireland

Uncovered History

Vermont’s Irish Rebel

Waterford Civil War Veterans

Sergeant Peter Cavanagh


Other Blogs

Bere Island Archaeology Project

Come Here To Me

The Dustbin of History

Midleton Archaeology and Heritage Project

Cliopatria: A Group Blog

Eclectic Sound Bytes

Rubicon Heritage Services Blog

Inkdrop Art

Irish Archaeology

Jacolette Photography

Know Thy Place


Pilgrimage in Medieval Ireland


The History Chef

The Voice of the Silver Irish