Civil War Blogs
All Not So Quiet Along the Potomac
Daily Chronicles of the American Civil War
Jublio! The Emancipation Century
Of Battlefields and Bibliophiles
Rantings of a Civil War Historian
Regular Cavalry in the Civil War
The 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
The Civil War Monitor (The Front Line)
The Civil War Monitor (The Bookshelf)
13th Mississippi Infantry Regiment
Civil War Interest
The American Civil War Roundtable UK
Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System
Illinois Civil War Muster Roll Database
LOC Civil War Photographs Online
New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center
The United States Civil War Center
U.S. Army Heritage Collection Online
Regimental Sites
69th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Ireland)
88th New York Volunteers Company B
88th New York Volunteers Company K
Irish Interest
Irish Centre For Migration Studies
Mark Holan’s Irish-American Blog
Military History Society of Ireland
New York Irish History Round Table
The 1848 Tricolour Celebration
The American Irish Historical Society
The Irish American Museum of Washington D.C.
The Military Heritage Trust of Ireland
Other Blogs
Bere Island Archaeology Project
Midleton Archaeology and Heritage Project
Rubicon Heritage Services Blog