The website now has in excess of 800 referenced articles and resource pages, making it the largest scholarly site on the internet dealing with the Irish in the American Civil War, and one of the largest with respect to topics such as the 19th century Irish diaspora, 19th century Irish emigrants, and 19th century Irish America. To enable visitors to navigate the material more easily, every article and resource that appears on the site is now listed and accessible via this index page. The individual articles have been seperated into a series of categories under the following headings: Pages; Andersonville Irish; Battles & Units; Case Studies & Analysis; Cemeteries; Discussion & Debate; Guest Posts; Letters & Documents; Microhistory; Military History (Famine Era); Military History (Other); Native Americans & African Americans; News, Multimedia & Events; Pension Files; Profiles; Resources; Social History (Famine Era); Social History (Other); Transatlantic Connections; Visualisations & Mapping; Widows in the Atlantic World; Women’s History. Some of the articles are listed under multiple categories as appropriate. To access the relevant content, simply click on the title that interests you.
Irish in the American Civil War YouTube Channel
Fetterman Fight Irish Casualties Page
Regimental Losses in Union Irish Regiments Page
Letters From America: American Civil War Correspondence in Irish Papers Page
Donors to the Irish Relief Fund Page
Widows in the Atlantic World Page
- America Bound: Andersonville Irish, Antietam & a Free Bull Run Tour!
- Andersonville Irish Project Research Funding
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 2. Service
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 1. Demographics
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
- Video: Dedication of the Irish Memorial at Andersonville National Historic Site
- Chickamauga Spotlight: Company C, 38th Illinois Infantry- An Irish Labouring Gang at War?
- Podcast: The Irish in Andersonville- The Deadliest Place in America
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Service
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Demographics
- Invitation, October 19th: Plaque Unveiling to the Andersonville Irish
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 650
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 3284. Owen Moloney. The Story of Famine Works and Famine Relief in West Clare, Preserved through a Victim of Andersonville
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Thomas O’Dea, The Clare Emigrant Who Immortalised Andersonville in Art. Part 1- Imagery.
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Video Tours of Irish Graves
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: “This Abode of Want, Suffering & Misery”- The Prison Letter of Limerick’s Roger Brown
- The Andersonville Irish Project on RTE’s History Show
- Video: The Irish in the Civil War and at Andersonville with Emerging Civil War
- Andersonville Irish: The First 600 Infographic
- Discussing the Andersonville Irish with the Civil War Round Table of Central Louisiana
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 12083. Stephen Small, A “Misused” Child Laborer
- Podcast: Andersonville Prisoners & Leadville Miners
- Andersonville Irish: The First 450 Infographic
- Video: Discovering the Andersonville Irish
- Andersonville Irish Project Update
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Andersonville’s Gettysburg Irish Dead-Stories of Community & Cohesion
- Andersonville Irish: The First 350 Infographic
- Andersonville Irish Project Update
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 1139. James McMahon & His Widow Annie, “A Perfectly Abandoned Character”
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- Andersonville Irish: New Map & Database Update
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: The Irish Relief Fund Donors who Died at Andersonville
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 9102. Michael Rooney, Sligo & Rossinver, Leitrim
- The Andersonville Irish Project
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- A Newly Uncovered Letter from the “Angel of Andersonville”
- "We Irish had a Hard Time of it in Those Days": An Irish Veteran Remembers Andersonville
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- The Keegans of Bray: Reconstructing the Story of A Famine-Era Emigrant Family
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- Edward Wellington Boate: The Andersonville POW Who Came to the Defence of Henry Wirz
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- Medal of Honor: Private Michael Dougherty, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- New StoryMap: The Irish at Antietam- A Photo & Video Tour
- The Irish Regulars Buried Side by Side at Antietam National Cemetery
- Podcast: The Irish Brigade and Irish at Antietam
- Chickamauga Spotlight: Company C, 38th Illinois Infantry- An Irish Labouring Gang at War?
- StoryMap: In the Footsteps of Chicago’s Irish Legion, Chattanooga, 1863
- The Last Letter of Patrick Coffey, 69th New York State Militia, Before Bull Run
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Andersonville’s Gettysburg Irish Dead-Stories of Community & Cohesion
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- The Civil War Reminiscences of a Cork City Emigrant: Chancellorsville
- The Horror Behind a Medal of Honor Citation: Patrick Colbert, USS Commodore Hull
- Uncovering the Story of Two Irish Americans on the Antietam Burial Map
- Reorienting Perceptions of Irish American Service– A Case Study of New York Zouaves at Second Bull Run
- One Week to 69th New York at Bull Run Tour
- The Men Who Led the 69th New York on the Bull Run Battlefield
- “The Crashing of the Volleys and the Wild Irish ‘Hurroos'”: An Irish Brigade Veteran Remembers Gettysburg, Fifty Years On
- Mobile Bay: A Newly Uncovered Irish Letter From the Day of Battle
- Beyond the 69th: Exploring the Impact of Bull Run on Irish Americans
- Bull Run Battlefield Tour 2019
- The Living & the Dead: Two Letters from Irish American Marines of Bull Run
- More Irish than the Irish: The Forgotten Irishmen of Gettysburg’s Wheatfield
- “I Saw Him Gasping For Breath”: Irish Rhode Islanders at Fredericksburg
- Last Chevalier of Mulligan's Irish Brigade: A Poem for Decoration Day
- Emigrant Irish Badgers: With the Second Wisconsin in Herbst's Woods
- 'Pro Patria Mori': The 94th New York Memorial & the Irish of Oak Ridge, Gettysburg
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- Irishmen in the U.S. Regulars: A Case Study of the Battle of Stones River
- ‘Our Pickets Were Gobbled’: Assessing the Mass Capture of the 69th New York, Petersburg, 1864
- Mud Marches, Radical Abolitionists & River Assaults: Letters from the Last Campaign of An Irish-American Soldier
- The Irish Brigade at Antietam: A Photographic Tour
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'My Brother! My Dear Brother': The Extraordinary Encounter of an Irish Redcoat & Rebel During the War of Independence
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 4: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Roanoke
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- 'Patrick Cleburne & The Battle of Franklin': The 2014 Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Signature Event Keynote Address
- Witnesses to History: A Memento of a Missing Man
- Witnesses to History: A Bounty List of the 170th New York, Corcoran's Irish Legion
- The 14 Irish Medal of Honor Recipients of the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama
- 'The First Time the Old Corps was ever Whipped': A Letter from Ream's Station
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- The Forgotten Sixty-Ninth: A Thesis on the 69th New York National Guard Artillery
- 150 Years Ago: Dipping Handkerchiefs in the Blood of General Polk
- Memorial Day: The Irish-American Dead of Cold Harbor National Cemetery
- Bowld Soldier Boys: The Return of Irish Brigade Veterans to New York, January 1864
- 'Touch Her Off Azy!': An Incident at Chickamauga with Private 'Buffalo' Finnell
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- Reporting the Gettysburg Casualties of the 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- The 146 Irish Recipients of the Medal of Honor from the American Civil War
- The Irish Brigade Cigarette Case in the Attic
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- The Dead of the Irish Brigade: The Music and Message, 16th January 1863
- Medal of Honor: Private Patrick Ginley, 1st New York Light Artillery
- Remembering The Fallen At Petersburg: Forts McMahon and Patrick Kelly
- Irish-Born Medal of Honor Project
- ‘Transported to Fairyland’: Christmas With Corcoran’s Irish Legion, 1862
- Robert McMillan, 24th Georgia Infantry: 'A Gallant Irishman at Fredericksburg'
- From Cappincur to Corinth, and Back: An Irish Artilleryman Comes Home
- 'Hell Personified was Close at Hand': Captain John Donovan's Account of Fredericksburg
- 'For The Love of the Holy Mother, Blow Out My Brains': An Irishman Dies at Third Winchester
- Counting the Cost: Reporting 28th Massachusetts Casualties after Second Bull Run and Chantilly
- Bridget Diver: Custer's Female Wolverine
- The 1st Virginia (Irish) Battalion at Kernstown, 1862
- Medal of Honor: Assistant Surgeon Richard Curran, 33rd New York Infantry
- 'It is Colonel Corcoran I Blame': An Unhappy Irishman After Bull Run
- Nurse Mary McCoy, The Battle of Fair Oaks and a 'Tin Dipper' for President Lincoln
- 'Rum Racker's Club': A Ballad of the 164th New York in the Field
- ‘His Soul Escaped to the Bosom of His Maker’: A Limerick Man at the Battle of Shiloh
- Baptism of Fire: The Corcoran Legion at Deserted House, Virginia, 30th January 1863
- St. Patrick's Day in the Irish Brigade: Petersburg, 17th March 1865
- Captain Lawrence Collins, 58th Illinois Infantry, and the Fall of Fort Donelson
- Irish Colonels: Henry F. O'Brien, 11th New York Infantry
- Fighting Mike Lawler: Abe Lincoln’s Lilywhite General
- Medal of Honor: Landsman Thomas E. Corcoran, USS Cincinnati
- Irish-Born Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients: The Complete List?
- The Irishman They Couldn't Kill: Wounded Six Times at First Bull Run
- 'Faugh A Ballagh!': The 17th Wisconsin at Corinth
- Medal of Honor: Private James Allen, 16th New York Infantry
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- Illustrations of the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg
- The Irish at Perryville: The 5th Confederate and 10th Ohio at the Squire Bottom Farm
- Senior Citizen Soldier: Private Barney McAvoy, 154th New York Infantry
- Medal of Honor: Private Thomas T. Fallon, 37th New York Infantry
- 33 Men, A Cigarette Case, and the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg
- James P. Sullivan, 6th Wisconsin: Skirmishing at the Battle of South Mountain
- Irish Colonels: Michael William Burns, 73rd New York Infantry
- Captain James Haggerty 69th N.Y.S.M. and the Battle of Bull Run
- The Death of Color Sergeant Peter Welsh, 28th Massachusetts Infantry
- 'We Thought We Were All Gone': The 69th Pennsylvania at Gettysburg
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant Patrick Irwin, 14th Michigan Infantry
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Mill Springs Letters
- Irish Colonels: Howard Carroll, 105th New York Infantry
- 'Before the Reaper's Sickle': The 9th Massachusetts at Gaines' Mill
- 'Almost Reckless Daring': The 69th Pennsylvania at Glendale
- Medal of Honor: Private Michael Dougherty, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Irish Colonels: Michael Magevney Jr., 154th Tennessee Infantry
- 'They Bore Themselves As Veterans': The 2nd Tennessee at Belmont
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Thomas Plunkett, 21st Massachusetts Infantry
- Slaughter in Saunder's Field: The 9th Massachusetts at The Wilderness
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Dennis J.F. Murphy, 14th Wisconsin Infantry
- 'Ten Feet East of a Walnut Stump': An Irishman at Sharpsburg
- 'A Body of Heroes': The 35th Indiana at Stones River
- First Shots: Stephen Rowan and the Fall of Fort Sumter
- 'Simply Madness to Advance': The 116th Pennsylvania at Fredericksburg
- The Death of Major-General Patrick Cleburne
- Battle Above the Clouds: The 35th Indiana at Lookout Mountain
- After Action Reports
- Retreat and Attack: The Ninth Connecticut at Cedar Creek
- The Irish Boys at the Battle of Lexington
- A 'Storm of Leaden Hail': The 63rd New York at Antietam
- Who Shot General McPherson? The 5th Confederate at Bald Hill
- Patrick Ronayne Cleburne's Cork
- A Poem for the Irish Battalion
- The Last to Fall: Thomas Alfred Smyth at Farmville
- The 10th Ohio 'See The Elephant' at Carnifex Ferry
- Meagher Recruits for the Irish Brigade
- An Irish Soldier's Wartime Letter
- Father Corby's Gettysburg Absolution
- Glendale Marker Unveiling Photos
- Memphis Irishmen at Chickamauga
- Myles Walter Keogh Memorial
- A Gettysburg Hero's Irish Memorial
- 69th Pennsylvania Marker at Glendale
- Irish Medal of Honor Recipients
- A Biographical Sketch of General Patrick Cleburne
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 2. Service
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
- Photography Focus: Rare Images of an Irish American Family at War
- “He took my Hand in His and Bid Me a Last Farewell”: A Limerick Emigrant Dies from Cholera, 1867
- Appeal: Seeking Information on Leitrim Civil War Servicemen
- Chickamauga Spotlight: Company C, 38th Illinois Infantry- An Irish Labouring Gang at War?
- StoryMap: A Walk Among Storied Tombstones-Marietta National Cemetery
- Podcast: The Irish in Andersonville- The Deadliest Place in America
- Photography Focus: Denis F. Burke, Hiding in Plain Sight?
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 4. Skirmishing.
- Midleton’s 19th Century American Soldiers & Sailors
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 3. “Persons Exposed”
- Call for Civil War Bluejackets Volunteers! Climb Aboard to Help Uncover New Details of Civil War Sailors
- Inked Inmates: The Tattoos of Military Prisoners at Clinton Prison, 1864-1865
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 2. “Roughs, Bowery Boys, Dead Rabbits”- The Formation of Kerrigan’s Rangers
- Special Crossfire Issue on Irish in the American Civil War
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 1. William Hamilton, Tyrone Emigrant to New York City Fireman
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Video Tours of Irish Graves
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: “This Abode of Want, Suffering & Misery”- The Prison Letter of Limerick’s Roger Brown
- Virtually Speaking: Civil War Irish Songs
- Forgotten Patriot: ‘Paddy’ Owen and the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment- Part Two
- Forgotten Patriot: ‘Paddy’ Owen and the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment- Part One
- “Might Have Had a Few Drinks:” Richard & John Ewing, Dublin Boys in Arms
- Ireland’s Forgotten Great War? Re-evaluating the American Civil War’s Place in Irish History
- Photography Focus: Ragged Union Troops at Manassas Junction
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Andersonville’s Gettysburg Irish Dead-Stories of Community & Cohesion
- Andersonville Irish: The First 350 Infographic
- A Condemned Man: A Tyrone Emigrant’s 1860s Journey Towards Execution
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- Video: Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day during the American Civil War
- Introducing The Civil War Bluejackets Project
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- From the Institution to the Infantry: The Enlistment of Three Underage Inmates from the St. Louis House of Refuge
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 9102. Michael Rooney, Sligo & Rossinver, Leitrim
- The Andersonville Irish Project
- “The Best Anti-War Song Ever Made”: On the Trail of Paddy’s Lament
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Document Focus: The Tyrells & their Family Register
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- “May God Spare You to Us Old Veterans of War”: An Inner City Dubliner’s Search for a Civil War Pension
- Marked Boys: The Tattoos of 19th Century Irish and Irish American Reformatory Inmates
- The Civil War Reminiscences of a Cork City Emigrant: Chancellorsville
- “I Came to this Country in or About 1857”: A Scalded Irish Emigrant Sailor Tells His Story
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- Uncovering the Story of Two Irish Americans on the Antietam Burial Map
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- Video: The Irish Experience of the American Civil War
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Other Lost Shoes: The Forgotten Reform School Boys Who Fought the VMI Cadets at New Market
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- Ireland’s American Revolution Redcoats, Part 1
- In Search of the American Civil War Dead of Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- Life & Limb: Exploring the Consequences of Non-Amputation for Five Irish Emigrant Soldiers
- Donegal in the American Civil War Map Launched
- Reorienting Perceptions of Irish American Service– A Case Study of New York Zouaves at Second Bull Run
- “It Was Not For To Be Soldiers We Came Out”: Recruited Straight Off The Boat–Some New Evidence
- Beyond the 69th: Exploring the Impact of Bull Run on Irish Americans
- A Visual Journey through North Donegal’s American Civil War Landscape
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Podcast: The Great Famine & the American Civil War
- More Irish than the Irish: The Forgotten Irishmen of Gettysburg’s Wheatfield
- Transatlantic Obligations: A New Source for Immigrant Remittance Networks
- “I Saw Him Gasping For Breath”: Irish Rhode Islanders at Fredericksburg
- In Search of Cornish Emigrants in the American Civil War
- Dying with the Irish: A Native American, German & Québécois in Irish Regiments
- Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Emigrants: A Case Study of Pension File Affidavits
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War on a Manx Family
- The Death of a Regular: Revealing an Ireland/New Jersey/Missouri Emigrant Network
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- Communicating Death & Creating Memory on Fredericksburg's Streets
- Manipulating Memory: The Story of the 9th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
- Time to Move Beyond the Irish Brigade? The Problems with Studying Ethnic Irish Units– A Case Study of the New York Irish at Gettysburg
- Emigrant Irish Badgers: With the Second Wisconsin in Herbst's Woods
- 'Pro Patria Mori': The 94th New York Memorial & the Irish of Oak Ridge, Gettysburg
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- Portraits from the New York Irish-American Weekly: 1861
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- "I want to see you before I die": Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in American Civil War Pension Files
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- Over Here: Researching U.S. Military in Ireland during World War One
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- "The Lives of Her Exiled Children Will be Offered in Thousands": Edward Gallway, Fort Sumter & Foreseeing the Cost of Civil War
- "A Few Spoke Nothing But Gaelic": In Search of the Irish Language in the American Civil War
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- Exploring St. Patrick's Day, 1866 in the "Wild West" – 150 Years Ago
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: Some Irish Dead in National Cemeteries
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Irishmen in the U.S. Regulars: A Case Study of the Battle of Stones River
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- ‘Our Pickets Were Gobbled’: Assessing the Mass Capture of the 69th New York, Petersburg, 1864
- Mapping Confederate Irish Veterans in 20th Century Alabama
- Four Years of the Irish at War in Poetry & Song
- Last Letters Home: Revealing the Pension File Correspondence of Union Irish Soldiers & Their Families
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 4: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Roanoke
- How Many Irish Fought in the American Civil War?
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Remembering the Reilly's at Cedar Creek- And How Ireland Forgets
- Dependents: Portraits of 50 Irish People in New York Poorhouses, 1861-1865
- A Visual Look at Irish Veterans in the G.A.R.: Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88, Staten Island (1)
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The 14 Irish Medal of Honor Recipients of the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Gangs of New York: Recruiting the Irish ‘Straight Off the Boat’
- The Forgotten Sixty-Ninth: A Thesis on the 69th New York National Guard Artillery
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- In Bondage to the Irish: Slave Ownership Among Irish Confederate Officers
- Mapping Death in the American Civil War
- How 'Irish' was Phil Sheridan?
- U.S. Military Pensioners in 19th Century Ireland: A Listing and Appeal
- How To Find American Civil War Veterans from Irish Counties: A Case Study of Mathew Dooley, Roscrea
- An Infographic of Irish Involvement in the American Civil War
- Worthy of Study? Worthy of Remembrance? The Irish Killed at the Washita and Wounded Knee
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- The Last Union Irish Veterans of the American Civil War
- 'Any Information Will Be Most Thankfully Received by His Mother': Tracing Missing Irishmen in 1860s New York
- Scarred Men: The Disfigurements of New York Irishmen, 1863
- Marked Men: The Tattoos of New York Irishmen, 1863
- 'Rather a Monotonous Affair': An Irishman on the Union Blockade
- The Ages and Origins of the Union's Irish Soldiers
- 'Watch the Man's Movements': Illegal Recruitment for the Union in Ireland, Part One
- 'The Fight Was for the Union, Not for the Abolition of Slavery'
- Naming Over 800 Union Soldiers Who Supported the Poor of Ireland
- The 146 Irish Recipients of the Medal of Honor from the American Civil War
- Irish American Civil War Veterans- in Australia
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- 'To Hate And Despise The Negro': Towards an Understanding of 1860s Irish Attitudes to African-Americans
- Irish Relief Fund: The Remarkable Contribution of Union Soldiers & Sailors, Part 1
- Resources: Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers
- Irish Casualties of the Fetterman Fight- A Complete List
- Jeremiah O'Brien: The Last Irish Veteran of the American Civil War?
- Identifying the Irishman who Fired the Union's First Shot of the American Civil War?
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 2
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 1
- Baptism of Fire: The Corcoran Legion at Deserted House, Virginia, 30th January 1863
- A 'New' Irish Recipient of the Medal of Honor Discovered?
- Spreading Fenianism in the Army of the Potomac
- The 42nd New York Infantry and 'The Relief of the Destitute Poor of Our Native Land'
- Irish-Born Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients: The Complete List?
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 2
- The USS Kearsarge and the 'Queenstown Affair', Co. Cork, 1863
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- The Irish at Perryville: The 5th Confederate and 10th Ohio at the Squire Bottom Farm
- Captain James Haggerty 69th N.Y.S.M. and the Battle of Bull Run
- The Irishmen Who Fell in the Fetterman Fight, 21st December 1866
- 'Before the Reaper's Sickle': The 9th Massachusetts at Gaines' Mill
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- The Pope's Irish Soldiers and the Civil War
- Where Did Your Civil War Ancestor Live?
- Who Shot General McPherson? The 5th Confederate at Bald Hill
- Discover Your Namesake in the Civil War
- Memphis Irishmen at Chickamauga
- Irish Medal of Honor Recipients
- Clothing the Confederacy: Taits of Limerick
- The Irish Regulars Buried Side by Side at Antietam National Cemetery
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
- Video: Dedication of the Irish Memorial at Andersonville National Historic Site
- StoryMap: A Walk Among Storied Tombstones-Marietta National Cemetery
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Service
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Demographics
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 12083. Stephen Small, A “Misused” Child Laborer
- Video: Discovering the Andersonville Irish
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 9102. Michael Rooney, Sligo & Rossinver, Leitrim
- Uncovering the Story of Two Irish Americans on the Antietam Burial Map
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Gettysburg National Cemetery
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- In Search of the American Civil War Dead of Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Thomas Molloy, Birr’s American Civil War Veteran
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: Revealing Washington D.C.’s Most Significant Irish Diaspora Site?
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Alexandria National Cemetery
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Arlington National Cemetery
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish Americans of Cambridge American Cemetery, England
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Annapolis National Cemetery
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: Some Irish Dead in National Cemeteries
- Memorial Day: The Irish-American Dead of Cold Harbor National Cemetery
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Podcast: The Irish Brigade and Irish at Antietam
- Podcast: The Irish in Andersonville- The Deadliest Place in America
- Video: Campfire Chats- The 69th NYSM and the Battle of Bull Run with Harry Smeltzer, Part 3. Legacy.
- Video: Campfire Chats- The 69th NYSM and the Battle of Bull Run with Harry Smeltzer, Part 2. Battle.
- Video: Campfire Chats- The 69th NYSM and the Battle of Bull Run with Harry Smeltzer, Part 1. Origins.
- Combat Morale Podcast: The Irish Fighting for the Union Army in the U.S. Civil War
- Podcast: The Untold Civil War and the Irish Experience of the Civil War
- Video: The Irish in the Civil War and at Andersonville with Emerging Civil War
- Ireland’s Forgotten Great War? Re-evaluating the American Civil War’s Place in Irish History
- Podcast: Andersonville Prisoners & Leadville Miners
- Interview: Irish in the American Civil War & Digital Humanities
- “The Best Anti-War Song Ever Made”: On the Trail of Paddy’s Lament
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Video: Recovering the Voices of the Union’s Midwest Irish
- Video: The Irish in the American Civil War for Trasna na Tíre
- Video: The Irish Experience of the American Civil War
- An Interview on NVTV’s “History Now”
- Irish in the American Civil War’s 10th Birthday
- Podcast Interview: Irish in the American Civil War
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- Reorienting Perceptions of Irish American Service– A Case Study of New York Zouaves at Second Bull Run
- “It Was Not For To Be Soldiers We Came Out”: Recruited Straight Off The Boat–Some New Evidence
- Remembrance Rejected: Reflections on the First World War Centenary & Irish “Forgetting”
- More Irish than the Irish: The Forgotten Irishmen of Gettysburg’s Wheatfield
- Transatlantic Obligations: A New Source for Immigrant Remittance Networks
- A New Opportunity to Stamp Your Mark on Irish Commemoration of the American Civil War
- The Distant Past? Ireland's American Civil War Grandchildren
- Manipulating Memory: The Story of the 9th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
- Time to Move Beyond the Irish Brigade? The Problems with Studying Ethnic Irish Units– A Case Study of the New York Irish at Gettysburg
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "The Lives of Her Exiled Children Will be Offered in Thousands": Edward Gallway, Fort Sumter & Foreseeing the Cost of Civil War
- "A Few Spoke Nothing But Gaelic": In Search of the Irish Language in the American Civil War
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- ‘Our Pickets Were Gobbled’: Assessing the Mass Capture of the 69th New York, Petersburg, 1864
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Selling 'Ireland' and Forgetting the 'Irish'? Some Thoughts on the Taoiseach's St. Patrick's Day Speech
- How Many Irish Fought in the American Civil War?
- Ireland Takes First Steps Towards Remembering Irish of the American Civil War
- Remembering the Reilly's at Cedar Creek- And How Ireland Forgets
- Gangs of New York: Recruiting the Irish ‘Straight Off the Boat’
- American Independence Day: Remembering How Ireland Forgets
- In Bondage to the Irish: Slave Ownership Among Irish Confederate Officers
- Has Ireland Missed the Last Opportunity to Remember Her American Civil War Dead?
- How 'Irish' was Phil Sheridan?
- Worthy of Study? Worthy of Remembrance? The Irish Killed at the Washita and Wounded Knee
- Diaspora Disregarded? How Ireland is Failing Her Emigrants Memory
- Some Reflections On Three Years Writing 'Irish in the American Civil War'
- The Time Has Come for 'A History of the Irish in 100 Objects'
- Revealed: The Tipperary Town Where the First Soldier to Die in the American Civil War was Born?
- 'The Fight Was for the Union, Not for the Abolition of Slavery'
- 'To Hate And Despise The Negro': Towards an Understanding of 1860s Irish Attitudes to African-Americans
- Memory, Memorials and The Gathering
- Irish Views on the American Civil War- Does Ireland Need a Memorial?
- Ireland's Forgotten Famine Generation
- Keeping Memory Alive of the Irish in the American Civil War
- Preserving the Union? The Irish and The Union War
- Discussion and Debate: 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Discussion and Debate: A Response to 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Irish Pressed into Federal Service?
- Competitive Citizenship: Post-War Debates between the Welsh and Irish
- Witnesses to History: A New Letter from the Irish Brigade
- Forgotten Patriot: ‘Paddy’ Owen and the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment- Part Two
- Forgotten Patriot: ‘Paddy’ Owen and the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment- Part One
- Guest Post Call for Contributions
- From the Institution to the Infantry: The Enlistment of Three Underage Inmates from the St. Louis House of Refuge
- Marked Boys: The Tattoos of 19th Century Irish and Irish American Reformatory Inmates
- Other Lost Shoes: The Forgotten Reform School Boys Who Fought the VMI Cadets at New Market
- For Faith & Freedom: Four Men who Served the Pope and their Adopted Nation
- Thomas Molloy, Birr’s American Civil War Veteran
- “Three Boys Were Taken”: The Yankee Teens Who Became Rebel “Pirates”
- Martial Ardor: The Brief, Exhilarating Life of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Joseph O’Keeffe
- Ellsworth’s Zouaves & the Gallant New York Fireman Who Saved the Colors of the 69th
- John O’Neill & the Fenian Raids into Canada
- Volunteers Wanted: Identifying the Origins of Irish Veterans of the American Civil War
- “It Was Not For To Be Soldiers We Came Out”: Recruited Straight Off The Boat–Some New Evidence
- “A Brutal, Good Natured Face:” A New York Irish “Rowdy” in War and Peace
- Guest Post: Finding a Window into My Past…And Bringing a Fistful of Letters to Life
- "I am so heartily sick of this life": The Civil War Letter of Daniel Crowley, Part 3
- “I am the Same Boy yet”: The Civil War Letters of Daniel Crowley, Part 2
- “…I don’t care about dancing on the bodies of dead men”: The Civil War letters of Daniel Crowley, Part 1
- The Other Bermuda Triangle: Invasion attempts in Ireland, America, and Bermuda
- Union Rebels: Civil War Veterans & the Fenian Campaign in Britain & Ireland, 1866-1868
- Union Rebels: The Erin's Hope– Fenian Gunrunning by Civil War Veterans
- 'In This Song I Will Make Mention of the Sons of Erin': Researching Irish Songs from the American Civil War
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- 'I Will Sing the Song of Companionship': Peter Doyle– Former Confederate, Walt Whitman's Muse & Lover
- Edward Wellington Boate: The Andersonville POW Who Came to the Defence of Henry Wirz
- Medal of Honor: Boatswain's Mate Patrick Murphy, U.S.S. Metacomet
- 'One of Our Brave Men Twice Wounded': An Image of Corporal William Kelleher, 125th New York Infantry
- The Irish Nanny in the (Other) White House
- 'Father of the American Band': The Story of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
- Can You Help Find Medal of Honor Recipient Martin McHugh's Descendants?
- James Rowan O'Beirne and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Corinth, Commissions and Commanding Officers, May 1862
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 90th Illinois Infantry
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Field of Shiloh, April 1862
- Fighting Mike Lawler: Abe Lincoln’s Lilywhite General
- Spreading Fenianism in the Army of the Potomac
- Federal Recruitment of Irish Militiamen during the American Civil War
- Appeal: The Blockade Runner Minna and The Malcomsons of Co. Waterford
- Thomas Alfred Smyth: Researching a Neglected Irish General
- General Patrick Henry Jones: An Exciting New Biography and Appeal
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Shiloh Letters
- Discussion and Debate: 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Discussion and Debate: A Response to 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Mill Springs Letters
- The Pope's Irish Soldiers and the Civil War
- 'Irish Molly' at Antietam
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
- “He took my Hand in His and Bid Me a Last Farewell”: A Limerick Emigrant Dies from Cholera, 1867
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- The Last Letter of Patrick Coffey, 69th New York State Militia, Before Bull Run
- Witnesses to History: A New Letter from the Irish Brigade
- A Condemned Man: A Tyrone Emigrant’s 1860s Journey Towards Execution
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- Video: The Civil War Life & Letters of New York’s Capital District Irish
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- Document Focus: The Tyrells & their Family Register
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- “May God Spare You to Us Old Veterans of War”: An Inner City Dubliner’s Search for a Civil War Pension
- “I Came to this Country in or About 1857”: A Scalded Irish Emigrant Sailor Tells His Story
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- The Horror Behind a Medal of Honor Citation: Patrick Colbert, USS Commodore Hull
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
- Podcast: Recovering East Limerick Voices from the American Civil War
- Document Focus: Michael Corcoran in the Revenue Police
- The Story of a Tyrone Widow, a Misremembered Death, and a Letter from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- “Annie Dearest”: A Corkman’s Last Letter Home during the Final Days of the Doomed USS Maine
- Podcast: The Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in the American Civil War
- John Joseph Coppinger: The Irish Letter that Launched An Illustrious American Career
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
- Mobile Bay: A Newly Uncovered Irish Letter From the Day of Battle
- Dying to Vote: How the 1864 Presidential Election Cost an Irishman His Life
- New Resource: Letters from America–American Civil War Correspondence in Irish Newspapers
- The Living & the Dead: Two Letters from Irish American Marines of Bull Run
- Illiterate Letters to the Clachan: Revealing One Family’s Emigration Story in 1870s Donegal
- Document Focus: The Aran Islands Parish Registry & Emigrant Networks
- Rebel Prisoners, Fenian Guards: Correspondence from the Phoenix Brigade, Elmira Confederate Prison
- A Newly Uncovered Letter from the “Angel of Andersonville”
- Document Focus: Life & Death at Antietam in Telegraphs
- "Rather Than Hear My Father's Tongue": The Sad Story of Why William Flaherty Fought
- "Your husband was torn almost to pieces": A Cork Woman Learns of Her Roscommon Husband's Death
- The Death of a Regular: Revealing an Ireland/New Jersey/Missouri Emigrant Network
- "Hoping you will not take it to heart": The Final Days of an Irish-American Boy Soldier
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
- Document Focus: The Story of the Phelan Family Register
- Document Focus: The Story of the Corporal's Warrant
- “…I don’t care about dancing on the bodies of dead men”: The Civil War letters of Daniel Crowley, Part 1
- "Tell Poor Mama": Draft Riots & Texas Prisons– Letters From The Gulf Blockade
- "My Cousin told me…that all my family were in America": A Search for 1860s Cork Emigrants
- "Mother many a good man wint acrost the river but never come back, it was murder": An Irishman at Fredericksburg & Gettysburg
- 'All Abouth Home': An Illiterate Emigrant's Letters from America to Kerry in the 1850s
- 'Beyond the Power of My Feeble Pen': The Fate of a Limerick Octogenarian's Sons in the West, 1862
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- "I want to see you before I die": Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in American Civil War Pension Files
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- "Our Ironclads on the James River": The Collected Correspondence of "Garryowen"
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- "As If they Were Shooting Ducks": An Irish Nova Scotian Gloucester Fisherman at War
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- Imagining the Horrors of Death: An Irishwoman Learns of Her Husband's Death at Gettysburg
- "Their Cries Were Most Agonizing": An Irish-American's Overland Account, from The Wilderness to Petersburg
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Irishmen in the U.S. Regulars: A Case Study of the Battle of Stones River
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- Four Years of the Irish at War in Poetry & Song
- Last Letters Home: Revealing the Pension File Correspondence of Union Irish Soldiers & Their Families
- Mud Marches, Radical Abolitionists & River Assaults: Letters from the Last Campaign of An Irish-American Soldier
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- 'Tears Ease the Heart': A Teenage Galwegian Civil War Veteran in Texas, 1866
- The Dying Request: An Irish Soldier Seeks to Secure His Daughters' Future at Shiloh, 1862
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- Tired of the Killing of Men: An Irish Family's Story of Assisted Emigration, Missing Children & Letters Under Fire
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- 'Goodbye For A While': An Irish Soldier's Last Letter Home, Found on his Dead Body at Cold Harbor
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'You Put Your Arm Around My Neck and Kissed Me': Sex, Love & Duty in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- 'Induced to Enlist': The Last Letter Home of an Irish Draft Substitute in 1864
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 4: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Roanoke
- Bonds Between Women & Daguerreotypes of A Dying Man in 1862
- Dying at the Death: Remembering the Dorcy Family at Appomattox Court House
- 'Killed At The Surrender': The Journey of Two Irishmen to Their Deaths at Sailor's Creek
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- 'I Trust the Almighty Will Spare Me My Life': Charles Traynor & the Battle of Skinner's Farm, 25th March 1865
- Coal Mining, Draft Rioting & The Molly Maguires: From Laois to Schuylkill with the Delaney Family
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'Quite A Merry Time': A Union Irish Soldier Describes His Last St. Patrick's Day, 1863
- 'I Am Not Long For This World': An Irish-American Soldier Says Goodbye to His Family
- 'For God Sake Dear Son Write To Me': An Irish Mother's Desperate Plea in the Summer of 1864
- Hearing the Irish Accent of a Merrimac Victim Across 150 Years
- 'He Was Never Seen or Heard From After': Dealing with Disappearance at the Battle of the Crater
- 'A Deep Blow to Your Heart': Patrick Clooney's Newly Uncovered Description of the Irish Brigade at Fair Oaks
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- 'In the Midst of Sorrow': An Irish-American Sailor's Fate, Christmas Eve, 1864
- Reporting the War in Irish Newspapers: Correspondence from the Petersburg Front
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 3: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Hatteras Inlet
- 'Debilitated By Having Borne 13 Children': An Irish Emigrant Recounts Her Family Story, 1871
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Celebrating Thanksgiving Aboard Union Ironclads, James River, 1864
- Little Donegal in Pennsylvania: Chain Emigration and Ireland's Great Untapped 19th Century Historical Resource
- Sole Support: An Offaly Mother's Efforts to Keep Her Son, 1861
- 'I Hope…To See You Once More And Then I Would Die Contented': An Irish Mother Writes to Her Son
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 2: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Newport News
- Remembering James Sharkey: The Final Letters of an Irish-American Boy
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 1: Larne to Canada
- 'The First Time the Old Corps was ever Whipped': A Letter from Ream's Station
- The Creation of an Irish Widow: The 33rd New Jersey at Peachtree Creek, 20th July 1864
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- 'The Yells of Wild Beasts and Shoshone Indians': An Irish Silver Miner in Nevada, 1864
- 'If You Ever Want To See Him Alive…Come Immediately': A Race Against Time For An Irish Soldier's Wife
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- 'I Hope Soon To Be With You': The Civil War in Texas and Cork, 1866
- 'God Help Her': The Emotional Impact of Cold Harbor, 3rd June 1864, On Two Irish Women
- 'Tell Him I Am A Soger': Lyrics, Loyalty and Family in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Faugh
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Friend Patt theres only 8 of us that left…': An Irish Brigade Soldier's Letter at War's End
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- ‘How I Came to Kill Your Brother’: A Confederate Reveals an Irish-American’s Final Moments
- Daniel Divver: An Irish Fireman in the American Civil War
- 'So Mote It Be': A Ramelton, Co. Donegal Mason in the Confederate Army
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- 'After I Am Dead, Write to My Wife': An Irish Soldier's Last Moments Revealed
- Boston Immigrant to Crescent City Soldier: The Poignant Letters of William Hickey
- 'Rather a Monotonous Affair': An Irishman on the Union Blockade
- A Soldier's Thoughts turn to Ireland- Petersburg, Virginia, 1864
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- 'Good-By, Good-By': Richard Byrnes Writes a Final Letter to His Wife
- The Civil War Story of Patrick O'Dea and his 'Beloved Mother'
- 'Hell Personified was Close at Hand': Captain John Donovan's Account of Fredericksburg
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Corinth, Commissions and Commanding Officers, May 1862
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Advance on Corinth, April-May 1862
- 'Any One Finding This Note…': A 69th New York Soldier Prepares for His Death
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Field of Shiloh, April 1862
- 'Allow Me to Mingle My Tears': The Aftermath of a 22-Year-Old Irishman's Death
- 'I Feel Like I'm Deserted': The Impact of One Soldier's Death in Corcoran's Irish Legion
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Shiloh Letters
- An Irishwoman Supplies the Confederacy
- A Corkwoman's Civil War Confederate Amnesty Petition
- Dual Allegiances: A Fenian Message during the Atlanta Campaign, 1864
- An Irish Soldier's Wartime Letter
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 4. Skirmishing.
- Midleton’s 19th Century American Soldiers & Sailors
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Deadeye in Drag – A Mystery Solved?
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 3. “Persons Exposed”
- Inked Inmates: The Tattoos of Military Prisoners at Clinton Prison, 1864-1865
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 2. “Roughs, Bowery Boys, Dead Rabbits”- The Formation of Kerrigan’s Rangers
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 1. William Hamilton, Tyrone Emigrant to New York City Fireman
- “Might Have Had a Few Drinks:” Richard & John Ewing, Dublin Boys in Arms
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 12083. Stephen Small, A “Misused” Child Laborer
- A Condemned Man: A Tyrone Emigrant’s 1860s Journey Towards Execution
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 1139. James McMahon & His Widow Annie, “A Perfectly Abandoned Character”
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- From the Institution to the Infantry: The Enlistment of Three Underage Inmates from the St. Louis House of Refuge
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 9102. Michael Rooney, Sligo & Rossinver, Leitrim
- The Andersonville Irish Project
- Document Focus: The Tyrells & their Family Register
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- “May God Spare You to Us Old Veterans of War”: An Inner City Dubliner’s Search for a Civil War Pension
- “I Came to this Country in or About 1857”: A Scalded Irish Emigrant Sailor Tells His Story
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- Uncovering the Story of Two Irish Americans on the Antietam Burial Map
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- Other Lost Shoes: The Forgotten Reform School Boys Who Fought the VMI Cadets at New Market
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
- The Three Mary Driscolls: Marriage, Community & Loss Across the Atlantic, 1811-1893
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- How Peter Keefe Came to Lose His Leg: A Story of American Coastal Raids, Escape Tunnels & Prison Breaks
- The Story of a Tyrone Widow, a Misremembered Death, and a Letter from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- An Elderly Fisherman in Dunmore East Remembers His Part in the American Civil War
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
- The Nilands: Uncovering A 19th Century Working Class Dublin Family’s Story in the American Pension Files
- Mobile Bay: A Newly Uncovered Irish Letter From the Day of Battle
- Famine Emigrants Speaking Ill of The Dead: Revealing the Moral Failings of a Working-Class Irishman
- Dying to Vote: How the 1864 Presidential Election Cost an Irishman His Life
- “When a man Forgets his Wife and Child he Does Deserve Nothing Better”: Letters of Abandonment in 1860s America
- Illiterate Letters to the Clachan: Revealing One Family’s Emigration Story in 1870s Donegal
- “He Went Home to Ireland to Die”: Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Roscommon Emigrants
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- “I was to Him like a Brother”: Bonds between Irishmen in the Civil War
- An American Veteran, Irish Workhouse, Cupid…and a Terrier
- Leave by Order of the KKK: Conflict in War & Peace for a Louisiana Irish Republican
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
- Johanna Barry: The Story of an Emigrant Domestic in Ireland & America, 1836-1916
- "I Will…Avenge His Death": Shared Community, Life, & Death through the Battle of Chickamauga
- Mexican War Veteran, Civil War Veteran, Indian Officer: An Athlone Man's Quarter Century on the American Frontier
- "You damned Yankee sons of bitches…can kiss my arse": A Less than Loyal Irish Union Soldier in California
- "Rather Than Hear My Father's Tongue": The Sad Story of Why William Flaherty Fought
- "Your husband was torn almost to pieces": A Cork Woman Learns of Her Roscommon Husband's Death
- The Death of a Regular: Revealing an Ireland/New Jersey/Missouri Emigrant Network
- "Hoping you will not take it to heart": The Final Days of an Irish-American Boy Soldier
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
- Document Focus: The Story of the Phelan Family Register
- Document Focus: The Story of the Corporal's Warrant
- "Tell Poor Mama": Draft Riots & Texas Prisons– Letters From The Gulf Blockade
- "My Cousin told me…that all my family were in America": A Search for 1860s Cork Emigrants
- Communicating Death & Creating Memory on Fredericksburg's Streets
- "Mother many a good man wint acrost the river but never come back, it was murder": An Irishman at Fredericksburg & Gettysburg
- 'All Abouth Home': An Illiterate Emigrant's Letters from America to Kerry in the 1850s
- 'Beyond the Power of My Feeble Pen': The Fate of a Limerick Octogenarian's Sons in the West, 1862
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- The Ties that Bind: An Emigrant Derry Community & Those Left Behind
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- "As If they Were Shooting Ducks": An Irish Nova Scotian Gloucester Fisherman at War
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- Imagining the Horrors of Death: An Irishwoman Learns of Her Husband's Death at Gettysburg
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- The Keegans of Bray: Reconstructing the Story of A Famine-Era Emigrant Family
- Mud Marches, Radical Abolitionists & River Assaults: Letters from the Last Campaign of An Irish-American Soldier
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- 'Tears Ease the Heart': A Teenage Galwegian Civil War Veteran in Texas, 1866
- The Dying Request: An Irish Soldier Seeks to Secure His Daughters' Future at Shiloh, 1862
- Tired of the Killing of Men: An Irish Family's Story of Assisted Emigration, Missing Children & Letters Under Fire
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- 'Goodbye For A While': An Irish Soldier's Last Letter Home, Found on his Dead Body at Cold Harbor
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'You Put Your Arm Around My Neck and Kissed Me': Sex, Love & Duty in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- 'Induced to Enlist': The Last Letter Home of an Irish Draft Substitute in 1864
- Bonds Between Women & Daguerreotypes of A Dying Man in 1862
- Dying at the Death: Remembering the Dorcy Family at Appomattox Court House
- 'Killed At The Surrender': The Journey of Two Irishmen to Their Deaths at Sailor's Creek
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- 'I Trust the Almighty Will Spare Me My Life': Charles Traynor & the Battle of Skinner's Farm, 25th March 1865
- Coal Mining, Draft Rioting & The Molly Maguires: From Laois to Schuylkill with the Delaney Family
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'Quite A Merry Time': A Union Irish Soldier Describes His Last St. Patrick's Day, 1863
- 'I Am Not Long For This World': An Irish-American Soldier Says Goodbye to His Family
- 'For God Sake Dear Son Write To Me': An Irish Mother's Desperate Plea in the Summer of 1864
- Hearing the Irish Accent of a Merrimac Victim Across 150 Years
- 'One of Our Brave Men Twice Wounded': An Image of Corporal William Kelleher, 125th New York Infantry
- 'He Was Never Seen or Heard From After': Dealing with Disappearance at the Battle of the Crater
- 'A Deep Blow to Your Heart': Patrick Clooney's Newly Uncovered Description of the Irish Brigade at Fair Oaks
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- 'In the Midst of Sorrow': An Irish-American Sailor's Fate, Christmas Eve, 1864
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- 'Debilitated By Having Borne 13 Children': An Irish Emigrant Recounts Her Family Story, 1871
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Little Donegal in Pennsylvania: Chain Emigration and Ireland's Great Untapped 19th Century Historical Resource
- Sole Support: An Offaly Mother's Efforts to Keep Her Son, 1861
- 'I Hope…To See You Once More And Then I Would Die Contented': An Irish Mother Writes to Her Son
- Witnesses to History: A Memento of a Missing Man
- Remembering James Sharkey: The Final Letters of an Irish-American Boy
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The Creation of an Irish Widow: The 33rd New Jersey at Peachtree Creek, 20th July 1864
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- 'If You Ever Want To See Him Alive…Come Immediately': A Race Against Time For An Irish Soldier's Wife
- From Galway to Georgia: B.T. Johnston, Famine Emigrant, Confederate Pensioner
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- 'I Hope Soon To Be With You': The Civil War in Texas and Cork, 1866
- 'God Help Her': The Emotional Impact of Cold Harbor, 3rd June 1864, On Two Irish Women
- 'Tell Him I Am A Soger': Lyrics, Loyalty and Family in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Faugh
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Friend Patt theres only 8 of us that left…': An Irish Brigade Soldier's Letter at War's End
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- A Remarkable Famine Emigrant: Catherine Long and the Union Cause
- Looking into the Face of a Dying Irish Soldier
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- 'Drop the Liftinant A Curtsey, Woman!': The Long Service of Sergeant James Fegan, 3rd US Infantry
- ‘How I Came to Kill Your Brother’: A Confederate Reveals an Irish-American’s Final Moments
- Daniel Divver: An Irish Fireman in the American Civil War
- The Sorry End of Catherine Mullens: Famine Emigrant, Mother of Veterans
- 'So Mote It Be': A Ramelton, Co. Donegal Mason in the Confederate Army
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- 'I Have Heard No News From Him': Catherine Mullen's Search for her Husband
- 'After I Am Dead, Write to My Wife': An Irish Soldier's Last Moments Revealed
- Boston Immigrant to Crescent City Soldier: The Poignant Letters of William Hickey
- The Personal Story of Bernard Quinn: Irish Emigrant, U.S. Soldier
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- The Civil War Story of Patrick O'Dea and his 'Beloved Mother'
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant William Jones, 73rd New York Infantry
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- From Cappincur to Corinth, and Back: An Irish Artilleryman Comes Home
- 'O God! What a Sight': Tragedy for an Irish Family at Cedar Creek
- 'For The Love of the Holy Mother, Blow Out My Brains': An Irishman Dies at Third Winchester
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- Jeremiah O'Brien: The Last Irish Veteran of the American Civil War?
- Identifying the Irishman who Fired the Union's First Shot of the American Civil War?
- 'Any One Finding This Note…': A 69th New York Soldier Prepares for His Death
- 'Allow Me to Mingle My Tears': The Aftermath of a 22-Year-Old Irishman's Death
- 'I Feel Like I'm Deserted': The Impact of One Soldier's Death in Corcoran's Irish Legion
- Senior Citizen Soldier: Private Barney McAvoy, 154th New York Infantry
- Jennie Hodgers: The Irishwoman Who Fought as a Man in the Union Army
- President Abraham Lincoln and Hugh McLaughlin's Pay
- “He took my Hand in His and Bid Me a Last Farewell”: A Limerick Emigrant Dies from Cholera, 1867
- StoryMap: In the Footsteps of Chicago’s Irish Legion, Chattanooga, 1863
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 4. Skirmishing.
- Midleton’s 19th Century American Soldiers & Sailors
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 3. “Persons Exposed”
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 2. “Roughs, Bowery Boys, Dead Rabbits”- The Formation of Kerrigan’s Rangers
- Special Crossfire Issue on Irish in the American Civil War
- “Through:” The Emigrant Hamiltons of Tyrone. Part 1. William Hamilton, Tyrone Emigrant to New York City Fireman
- Book Review: “We Have Them On Our Own Ground-Zouaves at Gettysburg”
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- Video: Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day during the American Civil War
- From the Institution to the Infantry: The Enlistment of Three Underage Inmates from the St. Louis House of Refuge
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: The Irish Relief Fund Donors who Died at Andersonville
- The Civil War Reminiscences of a Cork City Emigrant: Chancellorsville
- The Horror Behind a Medal of Honor Citation: Patrick Colbert, USS Commodore Hull
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Other Lost Shoes: The Forgotten Reform School Boys Who Fought the VMI Cadets at New Market
- For Faith & Freedom: Four Men who Served the Pope and their Adopted Nation
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- Podcast: Ireland and the Medal of Honor
- Reorienting Perceptions of Irish American Service– A Case Study of New York Zouaves at Second Bull Run
- Irish Medal of Honor Exhibition Heads to Tampa
- “The Crashing of the Volleys and the Wild Irish ‘Hurroos'”: An Irish Brigade Veteran Remembers Gettysburg, Fifty Years On
- Podcast Short: The Civil War’s Unfortunate Irish Servicemen
- Exploring Panels from the Irish Medal of Honor Exhibition
- Inked Irishmen: Irish Tattoos in 1860s New York
- More Irish than the Irish: The Forgotten Irishmen of Gettysburg’s Wheatfield
- The Unveiling of Louis Lang’s “Great Historical Picture”, New York, 1862
- Photography Focus: The 69th New York State Militia & 9th Massachusetts at Mass
- A Newly Uncovered Letter from the “Angel of Andersonville”
- "I Will…Avenge His Death": Shared Community, Life, & Death through the Battle of Chickamauga
- Document Focus: Life & Death at Antietam in Telegraphs
- Looking into the Face of a Maimed Irish Soldier
- Mexican War Veteran, Civil War Veteran, Indian Officer: An Athlone Man's Quarter Century on the American Frontier
- "You damned Yankee sons of bitches…can kiss my arse": A Less than Loyal Irish Union Soldier in California
- Last Chevalier of Mulligan's Irish Brigade: A Poem for Decoration Day
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Annapolis National Cemetery
- Exploring the 1867 Fenian Rising in Cork
- “…I don’t care about dancing on the bodies of dead men”: The Civil War letters of Daniel Crowley, Part 1
- Podcast: Beyond the Irish Brigade with The Rogue Historian
- Communicating Death & Creating Memory on Fredericksburg's Streets
- Manipulating Memory: The Story of the 9th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
- Time to Move Beyond the Irish Brigade? The Problems with Studying Ethnic Irish Units– A Case Study of the New York Irish at Gettysburg
- "Mother many a good man wint acrost the river but never come back, it was murder": An Irishman at Fredericksburg & Gettysburg
- Emigrant Irish Badgers: With the Second Wisconsin in Herbst's Woods
- 'Pro Patria Mori': The 94th New York Memorial & the Irish of Oak Ridge, Gettysburg
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- 'Beyond the Power of My Feeble Pen': The Fate of a Limerick Octogenarian's Sons in the West, 1862
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- "We Irish had a Hard Time of it in Those Days": An Irish Veteran Remembers Andersonville
- "I want to see you before I die": Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in American Civil War Pension Files
- "I Sprung from A Kindred Race": George McClellan Cultivates the Irish Vote, 1863
- "Our Ironclads on the James River": The Collected Correspondence of "Garryowen"
- Video: Diaspora Ireland- Cobh & The American Civil War
- "As If they Were Shooting Ducks": An Irish Nova Scotian Gloucester Fisherman at War
- "The Lives of Her Exiled Children Will be Offered in Thousands": Edward Gallway, Fort Sumter & Foreseeing the Cost of Civil War
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- Exploring St. Patrick's Day, 1866 in the "Wild West" – 150 Years Ago
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: Some Irish Dead in National Cemeteries
- Imagining the Horrors of Death: An Irishwoman Learns of Her Husband's Death at Gettysburg
- Union Rebels: Civil War Veterans & the Fenian Campaign in Britain & Ireland, 1866-1868
- "Their Cries Were Most Agonizing": An Irish-American's Overland Account, from The Wilderness to Petersburg
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Union Rebels: The Erin's Hope– Fenian Gunrunning by Civil War Veterans
- Irishmen in the U.S. Regulars: A Case Study of the Battle of Stones River
- Audio Lecture: Galway and the American Civil War
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- Photographs of Wounded Irishmen from the American Civil War
- ‘Our Pickets Were Gobbled’: Assessing the Mass Capture of the 69th New York, Petersburg, 1864
- The Keegans of Bray: Reconstructing the Story of A Famine-Era Emigrant Family
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- 'Tears Ease the Heart': A Teenage Galwegian Civil War Veteran in Texas, 1866
- Profiles in Courage: The Irish Dimension to the Medal of Honor
- Book Review: Patrick Henry Jones, Irish American, Civil War General and Gilded Age Politician
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- The Irish Brigade at Antietam: A Photographic Tour
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- 'Induced to Enlist': The Last Letter Home of an Irish Draft Substitute in 1864
- Dying at the Death: Remembering the Dorcy Family at Appomattox Court House
- 'Killed At The Surrender': The Journey of Two Irishmen to Their Deaths at Sailor's Creek
- 'I Trust the Almighty Will Spare Me My Life': Charles Traynor & the Battle of Skinner's Farm, 25th March 1865
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'One of Our Brave Men Twice Wounded': An Image of Corporal William Kelleher, 125th New York Infantry
- How Many Irish Fought in the American Civil War?
- Reporting the War in Irish Newspapers: Correspondence from the Petersburg Front
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 3: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Hatteras Inlet
- 'Patrick Cleburne & The Battle of Franklin': The 2014 Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Signature Event Keynote Address
- Celebrating Thanksgiving Aboard Union Ironclads, James River, 1864
- A Visual Look at Irish Veterans in the G.A.R.: Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88, Staten Island (1)
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 2: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Newport News
- Witnesses to History: A Bounty List of the 170th New York, Corcoran's Irish Legion
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 1: Larne to Canada
- The 14 Irish Medal of Honor Recipients of the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama
- 'The First Time the Old Corps was ever Whipped': A Letter from Ream's Station
- Gangs of New York: Recruiting the Irish ‘Straight Off the Boat’
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- From Galway to Georgia: B.T. Johnston, Famine Emigrant, Confederate Pensioner
- 150 Years Ago: Dipping Handkerchiefs in the Blood of General Polk
- Memorial Day: The Irish-American Dead of Cold Harbor National Cemetery
- Timothy O'Sullivan Captures an Image to 'Live in History', 150 Years Ago Today
- 150 Years Ago: An Irish Photographer Captures the Overland Campaign
- A 150 Year Old Missing Persons Case- In Search of a 19-Year-Old Irishman
- Midleton's Most Famous Forgotten Son? General John Joseph Coppinger
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- A New Date of Birth Discovered for General Thomas Sweeny?
- 'We Were All Shaking in Nervousness': Luke Ferriter and Vermont's 'Sleeping Sentinel'
- A Long Lived Dubliner Who Witnessed Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
- Looking into the Face of a Dying Irish Soldier
- Mapping Death in the American Civil War
- Bowld Soldier Boys: The Return of Irish Brigade Veterans to New York, January 1864
- How To Find American Civil War Veterans from Irish Counties: A Case Study of Mathew Dooley, Roscrea
- Book Review: The Green and the Gray- The Irish in the Confederate States of America
- 'Drop the Liftinant A Curtsey, Woman!': The Long Service of Sergeant James Fegan, 3rd US Infantry
- ‘How I Came to Kill Your Brother’: A Confederate Reveals an Irish-American’s Final Moments
- 'Equaled by Few- Surpassed by None': Colonel James Mallon and the Battle of Bristoe Station
- 'Touch Her Off Azy!': An Incident at Chickamauga with Private 'Buffalo' Finnell
- The Last Union Irish Veterans of the American Civil War
- War's Cruel Hand: The Dedicated Service of Edward Carroll, Irish Brigade
- An Image of Union Donors to the 1863 Irish Relief Fund, Forty Years On
- In Search of Willie: Seeking John Mitchel's Son After Pickett's Charge
- Reporting the Gettysburg Casualties of the 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- The Ages and Origins of the Union's Irish Soldiers
- Medal of Honor: First Lieutenant Menomen O'Donnell, 11th Missouri Infantry
- In Search of Michael Corcoran's Ireland
- Book Review: Terrible Swift Sword- The Life of General Philip H. Sheridan
- The Personal Story of Bernard Quinn: Irish Emigrant, U.S. Soldier
- A Soldier's Thoughts turn to Ireland- Petersburg, Virginia, 1864
- Medal of Honor: Private Felix Brannigan, 74th New York Infantry
- 'Information Wanted': The Irish Missing and Disappeared of the Civil War
- A Regimental Child and the Baby Name Civil War
- 'Good-By, Good-By': Richard Byrnes Writes a Final Letter to His Wife
- 'Watch the Man's Movements': Illegal Recruitment for the Union in Ireland, Part One
- Revealed: The Tipperary Town Where the First Soldier to Die in the American Civil War was Born?
- 150 Years Ago Today: St. Patrick's Day in the Army of the Potomac
- The Losses of 21 Irish Regiments during the American Civil War
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant William Jones, 73rd New York Infantry
- The 146 Irish Recipients of the Medal of Honor from the American Civil War
- Irish American Civil War Veterans- in Australia
- The Irish Brigade Cigarette Case in the Attic
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- Medal of Honor: Private Patrick Ginley, 1st New York Light Artillery
- Remembering The Fallen At Petersburg: Forts McMahon and Patrick Kelly
- Irish-Born Medal of Honor Project
- ‘Transported to Fairyland’: Christmas With Corcoran’s Irish Legion, 1862
- From Cappincur to Corinth, and Back: An Irish Artilleryman Comes Home
- 'Hell Personified was Close at Hand': Captain John Donovan's Account of Fredericksburg
- Irish Relief Fund: The Remarkable Contribution of Union Soldiers & Sailors, Part 1
- Resources: Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers
- Irish Casualties of the Fetterman Fight- A Complete List
- 'O God! What a Sight': Tragedy for an Irish Family at Cedar Creek
- 'For The Love of the Holy Mother, Blow Out My Brains': An Irishman Dies at Third Winchester
- Counting the Cost: Reporting 28th Massachusetts Casualties after Second Bull Run and Chantilly
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- Jeremiah O'Brien: The Last Irish Veteran of the American Civil War?
- Bridget Diver: Custer's Female Wolverine
- Book Review: John Dooley's Civil War
- The 1st Virginia (Irish) Battalion at Kernstown, 1862
- Identifying the Irishman who Fired the Union's First Shot of the American Civil War?
- Fenian Casualties at Gettysburg
- Medal of Honor: Assistant Surgeon Richard Curran, 33rd New York Infantry
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Corinth, Commissions and Commanding Officers, May 1862
- 'It is Colonel Corcoran I Blame': An Unhappy Irishman After Bull Run
- A Louisiana Tiger and Mosby Ranger in Ireland
- 'Today I am a Boy Again': A Civil War Veteran Faces an Image of His Past
- Medal of Honor: Seaman Martin McHugh Remembered
- 'Rum Racker's Club': A Ballad of the 164th New York in the Field
- ‘His Soul Escaped to the Bosom of His Maker’: A Limerick Man at the Battle of Shiloh
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Advance on Corinth, April-May 1862
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 90th Illinois Infantry
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 1
- Baptism of Fire: The Corcoran Legion at Deserted House, Virginia, 30th January 1863
- St. Patrick's Day in the Irish Brigade: Petersburg, 17th March 1865
- Captain Lawrence Collins, 58th Illinois Infantry, and the Fall of Fort Donelson
- A 'New' Irish Recipient of the Medal of Honor Discovered?
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Field of Shiloh, April 1862
- Fighting Mike Lawler: Abe Lincoln’s Lilywhite General
- Medal of Honor: Landsman Thomas E. Corcoran, USS Cincinnati
- The Confederate Cavalryman Buried in Co. Dublin
- Spreading Fenianism in the Army of the Potomac
- The 42nd New York Infantry and 'The Relief of the Destitute Poor of Our Native Land'
- Irish-Born Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients: The Complete List?
- Federal Recruitment of Irish Militiamen during the American Civil War
- The Irishman They Couldn't Kill: Wounded Six Times at First Bull Run
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 2
- 'Faugh A Ballagh!': The 17th Wisconsin at Corinth
- Irish Colonels: Michael Kerwin, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- The USS Kearsarge and the 'Queenstown Affair', Co. Cork, 1863
- 'I Feel Like I'm Deserted': The Impact of One Soldier's Death in Corcoran's Irish Legion
- Christmas as a Prisoner of War, Richmond, 1863
- Medal of Honor: Private James Allen, 16th New York Infantry
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 1
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- Illustrations of the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg
- Thomas Alfred Smyth: Researching a Neglected Irish General
- The Irish at Perryville: The 5th Confederate and 10th Ohio at the Squire Bottom Farm
- Book Review: Grant's Final Victory
- General Patrick Henry Jones: An Exciting New Biography and Appeal
- Edinburgh's American Civil War Memorial
- A Confederate Father and Union Son meet at Vicksburg, 1863
- Senior Citizen Soldier: Private Barney McAvoy, 154th New York Infantry
- Medal of Honor: Private Thomas T. Fallon, 37th New York Infantry
- 33 Men, A Cigarette Case, and the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg
- Book Review: Supplier to the Confederacy, Peter Tait & Co, Limerick
- Preserving the Union? The Irish and The Union War
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Shiloh Letters
- James P. Sullivan, 6th Wisconsin: Skirmishing at the Battle of South Mountain
- Irish Colonels: Michael William Burns, 73rd New York Infantry
- Jennie Hodgers: The Irishwoman Who Fought as a Man in the Union Army
- Discussion and Debate: 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Discussion and Debate: A Response to 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Captain James Haggerty 69th N.Y.S.M. and the Battle of Bull Run
- The Death of Color Sergeant Peter Welsh, 28th Massachusetts Infantry
- One Irishwoman and her Umbrella at White Oak Swamp, 30th June 1862
- 'We Thought We Were All Gone': The 69th Pennsylvania at Gettysburg
- Portrait of an Irish Soldier
- The Irishmen Who Fell in the Fetterman Fight, 21st December 1866
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant Patrick Irwin, 14th Michigan Infantry
- An Irishwoman Supplies the Confederacy
- A Corkwoman's Civil War Confederate Amnesty Petition
- Timothy O'Sullivan: The Irish Photographer Who Captured the Civil War
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Mill Springs Letters
- Irish Colonels: Howard Carroll, 105th New York Infantry
- Confederates in Ireland: Father John Bannon Receives His Orders
- Book Review: Civil War Citizens- Race, Ethnicity and Identity in America's Bloodiest Conflict
- 'Before the Reaper's Sickle': The 9th Massachusetts at Gaines' Mill
- 'Almost Reckless Daring': The 69th Pennsylvania at Glendale
- Book Review: Imported Confederate Uniforms of Peter Tait & Co., Limerick, Ireland
- Dual Allegiances: A Fenian Message during the Atlanta Campaign, 1864
- Medal of Honor: Private Michael Dougherty, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Irish Colonels: Michael Magevney Jr., 154th Tennessee Infantry
- St. Patrick's Day in the Army of the Potomac, 1863
- The Waterford Memorial to Captain Patrick Clooney, 88th New York, Irish Brigade
- Federal Recruitment in Ireland during the American Civil War
- 'They Bore Themselves As Veterans': The 2nd Tennessee at Belmont
- Irish Born Brevet Generals: A New Resource on Irish in the American Civil War
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Thomas Plunkett, 21st Massachusetts Infantry
- Slaughter in Saunder's Field: The 9th Massachusetts at The Wilderness
- President Abraham Lincoln and Hugh McLaughlin's Pay
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Dennis J.F. Murphy, 14th Wisconsin Infantry
- 'Ten Feet East of a Walnut Stump': An Irishman at Sharpsburg
- The Soldiers and Chiefs Exhibition
- Book Review: Notre Dame and the Civil War
- A Memorial for Thomas Francis Meagher
- An Irish 'Special Artist' with the Army of the Potomac
- 'A Body of Heroes': The 35th Indiana at Stones River
- Christmas with the Irish Brigade
- First Shots: Stephen Rowan and the Fall of Fort Sumter
- 'Simply Madness to Advance': The 116th Pennsylvania at Fredericksburg
- Book Review: Memoir of Andrew J. Byrne
- A Civil War Flag for the Irish People
- The Death of Major-General Patrick Cleburne
- Battle Above the Clouds: The 35th Indiana at Lookout Mountain
- After Action Reports
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- The Pope's Irish Soldiers and the Civil War
- Hunting John Wilkes Booth: The Man Who Led the Search for Lincoln's Killer
- Peter Tait's Limerick
- Retreat and Attack: The Ninth Connecticut at Cedar Creek
- The Irish Boys at the Battle of Lexington
- Mary Sophia Hill: The 'Florence Nightingale of the Army of Northern Virginia'
- The Funeral of General Michael Corcoran
- A 'Storm of Leaden Hail': The 63rd New York at Antietam
- Who Shot General McPherson? The 5th Confederate at Bald Hill
- Father Corby Statue 100 Year Anniversary
- Book Review: Chicago's Irish Legion
- Patrick Ronayne Cleburne's Cork
- A Poem for the Irish Battalion
- The Last to Fall: Thomas Alfred Smyth at Farmville
- The 10th Ohio 'See The Elephant' at Carnifex Ferry
- Thomas Francis Meagher's Waterford
- Meagher Recruits for the Irish Brigade
- Irish American Civil War Generals
- An Irish Soldier's Wartime Letter
- A Confederate Agent in Ireland
- Father Corby's Gettysburg Absolution
- Memphis Irishmen at Chickamauga
- Myles Walter Keogh Memorial
- A Gettysburg Hero's Irish Memorial
- 69th Pennsylvania Marker at Glendale
- 'Irish Molly' at Antietam
- Irish Medal of Honor Recipients
- A Biographical Sketch of General Patrick Cleburne
- A Long-lived Confederate Irishman
- Irish Pressed into Federal Service?
- Unveiling of Captain John Lonergan Memorial
- Clothing the Confederacy: Taits of Limerick
- Tracing Thomas: The Story of a Young Donegal American’s Death in Normandy, and the Image that Recorded his Fate
- Ireland’s American Revolution Redcoats, Part 1
- Podcast: Ireland and the Medal of Honor
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- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish Americans of Cambridge American Cemetery, England
- Exploring Panels from the Irish Medal of Honor Exhibition
- “So Costly A Sacrifice Upon the Altar of Freedom:” The Story of the Sheehan Brothers of Fermoy & Vancouver
- The Battlefield Archaeology of Vinegar Hill
- Over Here: Researching U.S. Military in Ireland during World War One
- Profiles in Courage: The Irish Dimension to the Medal of Honor
- 'My Brother! My Dear Brother': The Extraordinary Encounter of an Irish Redcoat & Rebel During the War of Independence
- Appeal: The Blockade Runner Minna and The Malcomsons of Co. Waterford
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- Mexican War Veteran, Civil War Veteran, Indian Officer: An Athlone Man's Quarter Century on the American Frontier
- North Carolina Slave, Union Widow, Liberian Emigrant: The Journey of Nancy Askie
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- 'Slavery, At Last, Is At An End': Reporting on the Ratification of the 13th Amendment in Ireland
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- In Bondage to the Irish: Slave Ownership Among Irish Confederate Officers
- Worthy of Study? Worthy of Remembrance? The Irish Killed at the Washita and Wounded Knee
- 'The Fight Was for the Union, Not for the Abolition of Slavery'
- 'To Hate And Despise The Negro': Towards an Understanding of 1860s Irish Attitudes to African-Americans
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- The Irishmen Who Fell in the Fetterman Fight, 21st December 1866
- Book Update. Green and Blue: Irish Americans in the Union Military, 1861-1865
- Join Damian for An Online Course on Researching the Irish in the American Civil War
- America Bound: Andersonville Irish, Antietam & a Free Bull Run Tour!
- Andersonville Irish Project Research Funding
- Return to Bull Run: Join us on 22 September to Explore the Irish Experience at Manassas
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 2. Service
- IACW Campfire Chats: How “American” were the 29th Massachusetts Infantry?
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 1. Demographics
- Podcast: The Irish Brigade and Irish at Antietam
- Video: Dedication of the Irish Memorial at Andersonville National Historic Site
- StoryMap: A Walk Among Storied Tombstones-Marietta National Cemetery
- Podcast: The Irish in Andersonville- The Deadliest Place in America
- StoryMap: In the Footsteps of Chicago’s Irish Legion, Chattanooga, 1863
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Service
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Demographics
- Invitation, October 19th: Plaque Unveiling to the Andersonville Irish
- Photography Focus: Denis F. Burke, Hiding in Plain Sight?
- Publication News: “The Brave Boy-Lieutenant”
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 650
- Irish in the American Civil War Documentary
- YouTube: Civil War Bluejackets & Irish Sailors, Irish American Civil War Songs
- Irish American Civil War Songs: Loyalty, Identity, and Nationhood Out Now!
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- Special Crossfire Issue on Irish in the American Civil War
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Video Tours of Irish Graves
- Podcast: The Untold Civil War and the Irish Experience of the Civil War
- The Andersonville Irish Project on RTE’s History Show
- Virtually Speaking: Civil War Irish Songs
- Video: The Irish in the Civil War and at Andersonville with Emerging Civil War
- Andersonville Irish: The First 600 Infographic
- Discussing the Andersonville Irish with the Civil War Round Table of Central Louisiana
- Podcast: Andersonville Prisoners & Leadville Miners
- Video: Discovering the Andersonville Irish
- Guest Post Call for Contributions
- Getting to Know the Work of Brendan Hamilton
- Getting to Know the Work of Dr Catherine Bateson
- Andersonville Irish: The First 350 Infographic
- A New Team Structure at Irish in the American Civil War
- Video: The Civil War Life & Letters of New York’s Capital District Irish
- Video: Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day during the American Civil War
- Introducing The Civil War Bluejackets Project
- Recovering the Voices of the Union Irish
- Interview: Irish in the American Civil War & Digital Humanities
- The Andersonville Irish Project
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Video: Recovering the Voices of the Union’s Midwest Irish
- Video: The Irish in the American Civil War for Trasna na Tíre
- Video: The Irish Experience of the American Civil War
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- An Interview on NVTV’s “History Now”
- Irish in the American Civil War’s 10th Birthday
- Podcast Interview: Irish in the American Civil War
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- A New One-Page Index for 700+ Irish in the American Civil War Articles & Resources
- Video: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- Video: Recounting an Irish Woman’s Famine & Emigration Story at Bull Run
- Irish in the American Civil War to be Added to National Library of Ireland Web Archive
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- Podcast: Ireland and the Medal of Honor
- Appeal: In Search of Donegal Veterans of the American Civil War
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- Podcast: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- One Week to 69th New York at Bull Run Tour
- Podcast: Enduring Obligations–Transatlantic Connections Between Emigrants and Ireland
- Irish Medal of Honor Exhibition Heads to Tampa
- Podcast Short: The Elderly Donegal Woman’s Predicament
- Bull Run Battlefield Tour 2019
- Exploring Panels from the Irish Medal of Honor Exhibition
- A Visual Journey through North Donegal’s American Civil War Landscape
- Irish Examiner: Researching the 200,000 Irish-born Soldiers who fought in the American Civil War
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- Podcast: Catherine Garvin & The Search For Her Disabled Son in 1860s America
- Talking History Show: The Battle of Gettysburg
- Photography Focus: An Irish Brigade Husband & Wife– Can You Help Identify Them?
- New Forgotten Irish Podcast
- Video: Waterford & the American Civil War
- Podcast: The Great Famine & the American Civil War
- Video: In the Footsteps of an Irish American Civil War Veteran on Tyneside
- Become a Patron of Irish in the American Civil War
- A New Opportunity to Stamp Your Mark on Irish Commemoration of the American Civil War
- Irish Medals of Honor and the American Civil War
- Ireland’s U.S. Navy War Brides Exhibition Booklet
- The Battlefield Archaeology of Vinegar Hill
- An Interview with Civil War Times Magazine
- Introducing the New Irish in the American Civil War Website
- A Milestone for Irish in the American Civil War
- An Interview on John Banks' Civil War Blog
- Video: Discussing Forgotten Irish Emigrants at the National Archives, Washington D.C.
- "The Forgotten Irish" Event at The National Archives, Washington D.C.
- Podcast: Beyond the Irish Brigade with The Rogue Historian
- An Appeal for Civil War Descendants
- Forgotten Irish Booklaunch, Hodges Figgis, 26th January
- The Forgotten Irish: Early Reviews
- The Forgotten Irish Brought to Life on RTE Radio 1
- Podcast: The Forgotten Irish– Revealing the Personal Stories of 19th Century Emigrants
- Irish in the American Civil War Needs Your Votes (Again!)
- The Forgotten Irish Book: Cover and Contents
- Video: Diaspora Ireland- Cobh & The American Civil War
- The Famine Irish: Emigration and The Great Hunger
- The History Show American Civil War Specials– RTE Radio One Podcasts
- Audio Lecture: Galway and the American Civil War
- Irish in the American Civil War Named Best Arts & Culture Blog at Blog Awards Ireland
- Irish in the American Civil War Needs Your Votes!
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- The Iveagh House Lecture on the Irish of the American Civil War
- The Catholic Parish Registers Online: Revolutionizing the Search for 19th Century Irish Ancestors
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- Day of American Civil War Talks at Hay Festival Kells
- New Ballymote Monument to Irish of the American Civil War
- Robert Fisk on the Irish in the American Civil War
- An Appearance on C-Span's American History TV
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- Address on Patrick Cleburne at Battle of Franklin 150th
- The Americanist Independent- A New Journal of American History
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- An Appearance in Civil War Times Magazine
- Speaking Engagement: Ulster-American Heritage Symposium, Athens, Georgia, June 26-28
- Heading Overseas to Remember the Overland
- United States Release for Irish in the American Civil War Book
- Embarking on PhD Research into the Irish and the American Civil War
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- Cher Turns Back Time with Irish in the American Civil War
- Remembering the Irish of the American Civil War in Tipperary
- Irish in the American Civil War on Tour
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- Upcoming Speaking Engagements
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- A Podcast on the Irish in the American Civil War
- The Launch of 'The Irish in the American Civil War'
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- The 1861 Project: From The Famine To The Front
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- Irish in the American Civil War Book Cover
- Updates and Milestones
- An Appearance in History Ireland Magazine
- An Anniversary and Hopes for the Future
- Medal of Honor: Seaman Martin McHugh Remembered
- South Tipperary Military History Society Lecture
- Irish in the American Civil War Podcast
- Upcoming Speaking Engagements
- Irish American Civil War Trail Logo Design
- Irish American Civil War Trail
- Keeping Memory Alive of the Irish in the American Civil War
- Calling Them Home: The Pards at Charles Fort, Co. Cork
- Irish in the American Civil War's 1st Birthday!
- A New Domain Name
- National Museum of Ireland Seminar on Irish in the American Civil War
- 'Fág an Bealach' Docudrama Update
- The 1848 Tricolour Celebration in Waterford
- 'Fág an Bealach' Docudrama in Post Production
- Irish in the American Civil War Shortlisted for 2011 Irish Blog Awards
- A Civil War Library Online
- Top Civil War Blogs Listing
- The Soldiers and Chiefs Exhibition
- The Harp and the Eagle
- Captain Patrick Clooney Memorial Restoration Fund
- Researching the New York Irish in the Civil War
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- Irish in the American Civil War: New Media
- The Fighting Irish Theatre Show
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- Save Patrick Cleburne's Battlefields
- Glendale Marker Unveiling Photos
- Free Civil War Records Online
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- CWPT Report on Most Endangered Battlefields
- Irish in the American Civil War
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 5212. Edward Carter. “My Hand Trembles with Joy”- The Last Letters of a Leitrim Emigrant
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- Midleton’s 19th Century American Soldiers & Sailors
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
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- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- The Pension Building: A Photographic Tour of the Former Home of Irish American Civil War Pensions
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- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 9102. Michael Rooney, Sligo & Rossinver, Leitrim
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Document Focus: The Tyrells & their Family Register
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
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- “I Came to this Country in or About 1857”: A Scalded Irish Emigrant Sailor Tells His Story
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- The Horror Behind a Medal of Honor Citation: Patrick Colbert, USS Commodore Hull
- Uncovering the Story of Two Irish Americans on the Antietam Burial Map
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Gettysburg National Cemetery
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
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- Podcast: Recovering East Limerick Voices from the American Civil War
- Video: Recounting an Irish Woman’s Famine & Emigration Story at Bull Run
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- How Peter Keefe Came to Lose His Leg: A Story of American Coastal Raids, Escape Tunnels & Prison Breaks
- Life & Limb: Exploring the Consequences of Non-Amputation for Five Irish Emigrant Soldiers
- Podcast: The Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in the American Civil War
- An Elderly Fisherman in Dunmore East Remembers His Part in the American Civil War
- Illiterate Female Emigrants Remember their Famine-era Marriages in Ireland
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- “Leaving Off the ‘O'”: Insights into Irish Emigrant Name Changes in 1860s America
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
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- Reorienting Perceptions of Irish American Service– A Case Study of New York Zouaves at Second Bull Run
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Alexandria National Cemetery
- Podcast: Enduring Obligations–Transatlantic Connections Between Emigrants and Ireland
- The Nilands: Uncovering A 19th Century Working Class Dublin Family’s Story in the American Pension Files
- Mobile Bay: A Newly Uncovered Irish Letter From the Day of Battle
- Podcast Short: The Civil War’s Unfortunate Irish Servicemen
- Beyond the 69th: Exploring the Impact of Bull Run on Irish Americans
- Remembering the Widows of Bull Run: Corcoran & Meagher Intercede
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Arlington National Cemetery
- Dying to Vote: How the 1864 Presidential Election Cost an Irishman His Life
- “When a man Forgets his Wife and Child he Does Deserve Nothing Better”: Letters of Abandonment in 1860s America
- The Living & the Dead: Two Letters from Irish American Marines of Bull Run
- Illiterate Letters to the Clachan: Revealing One Family’s Emigration Story in 1870s Donegal
- Podcast: Catherine Garvin & The Search For Her Disabled Son in 1860s America
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- “I was to Him like a Brother”: Bonds between Irishmen in the Civil War
- “God Has Called Your Husband…”: An Analysis of Death Notification Letters from the American Civil War
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
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- “My Wife & Five Children is to be Starved”: An Irish Veteran Failed by the United States
- Document Focus: The Aran Islands Parish Registry & Emigrant Networks
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- Dying with the Irish: A Native American, German & Québécois in Irish Regiments
- Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Emigrants: A Case Study of Pension File Affidavits
- A Newly Uncovered Letter from the “Angel of Andersonville”
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War on a Manx Family
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- The International Pension Crisis of 1893
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- The Death of a Regular: Revealing an Ireland/New Jersey/Missouri Emigrant Network
- "Hoping you will not take it to heart": The Final Days of an Irish-American Boy Soldier
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
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- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
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- North Carolina Slave, Union Widow, Liberian Emigrant: The Journey of Nancy Askie
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- Emigrant Irish Badgers: With the Second Wisconsin in Herbst's Woods
- 'Pro Patria Mori': The 94th New York Memorial & the Irish of Oak Ridge, Gettysburg
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- Podcast: The Forgotten Irish– Revealing the Personal Stories of 19th Century Emigrants
- 'Beyond the Power of My Feeble Pen': The Fate of a Limerick Octogenarian's Sons in the West, 1862
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- "I want to see you before I die": Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in American Civil War Pension Files
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- The Ties that Bind: An Emigrant Derry Community & Those Left Behind
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Irishmen in the U.S. Regulars: A Case Study of the Battle of Stones River
- Audio Lecture: Galway and the American Civil War
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- The Keegans of Bray: Reconstructing the Story of A Famine-Era Emigrant Family
- Last Letters Home: Revealing the Pension File Correspondence of Union Irish Soldiers & Their Families
- Mud Marches, Radical Abolitionists & River Assaults: Letters from the Last Campaign of An Irish-American Soldier
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- 'Tears Ease the Heart': A Teenage Galwegian Civil War Veteran in Texas, 1866
- The Dying Request: An Irish Soldier Seeks to Secure His Daughters' Future at Shiloh, 1862
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- Tired of the Killing of Men: An Irish Family's Story of Assisted Emigration, Missing Children & Letters Under Fire
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- 'Goodbye For A While': An Irish Soldier's Last Letter Home, Found on his Dead Body at Cold Harbor
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'You Put Your Arm Around My Neck and Kissed Me': Sex, Love & Duty in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- 'Induced to Enlist': The Last Letter Home of an Irish Draft Substitute in 1864
- Dying at the Death: Remembering the Dorcy Family at Appomattox Court House
- 'Killed At The Surrender': The Journey of Two Irishmen to Their Deaths at Sailor's Creek
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- 'I Trust the Almighty Will Spare Me My Life': Charles Traynor & the Battle of Skinner's Farm, 25th March 1865
- Coal Mining, Draft Rioting & The Molly Maguires: From Laois to Schuylkill with the Delaney Family
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'Quite A Merry Time': A Union Irish Soldier Describes His Last St. Patrick's Day, 1863
- 'I Am Not Long For This World': An Irish-American Soldier Says Goodbye to His Family
- 'For God Sake Dear Son Write To Me': An Irish Mother's Desperate Plea in the Summer of 1864
- Hearing the Irish Accent of a Merrimac Victim Across 150 Years
- 'He Was Never Seen or Heard From After': Dealing with Disappearance at the Battle of the Crater
- 'A Deep Blow to Your Heart': Patrick Clooney's Newly Uncovered Description of the Irish Brigade at Fair Oaks
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- 'In the Midst of Sorrow': An Irish-American Sailor's Fate, Christmas Eve, 1864
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- 'Debilitated By Having Borne 13 Children': An Irish Emigrant Recounts Her Family Story, 1871
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Little Donegal in Pennsylvania: Chain Emigration and Ireland's Great Untapped 19th Century Historical Resource
- Sole Support: An Offaly Mother's Efforts to Keep Her Son, 1861
- Remembering the Reilly's at Cedar Creek- And How Ireland Forgets
- 'I Hope…To See You Once More And Then I Would Die Contented': An Irish Mother Writes to Her Son
- Witnesses to History: A Memento of a Missing Man
- Remembering James Sharkey: The Final Letters of an Irish-American Boy
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The Creation of an Irish Widow: The 33rd New Jersey at Peachtree Creek, 20th July 1864
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- 'If You Ever Want To See Him Alive…Come Immediately': A Race Against Time For An Irish Soldier's Wife
- From Galway to Georgia: B.T. Johnston, Famine Emigrant, Confederate Pensioner
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- 'I Hope Soon To Be With You': The Civil War in Texas and Cork, 1866
- 'God Help Her': The Emotional Impact of Cold Harbor, 3rd June 1864, On Two Irish Women
- 'Tell Him I Am A Soger': Lyrics, Loyalty and Family in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Faugh
- Memorial Day: The Irish-American Dead of Cold Harbor National Cemetery
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Friend Patt theres only 8 of us that left…': An Irish Brigade Soldier's Letter at War's End
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- Looking into the Face of a Dying Irish Soldier
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- U.S. Military Pensioners in 19th Century Ireland: A Listing and Appeal
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- How To Find American Civil War Veterans from Irish Counties: A Case Study of Mathew Dooley, Roscrea
- Daniel Divver: An Irish Fireman in the American Civil War
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- 'I Have Heard No News From Him': Catherine Mullen's Search for her Husband
- 'After I Am Dead, Write to My Wife': An Irish Soldier's Last Moments Revealed
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- The Civil War Story of Patrick O'Dea and his 'Beloved Mother'
- 'O God! What a Sight': Tragedy for an Irish Family at Cedar Creek
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- 'Any One Finding This Note…': A 69th New York Soldier Prepares for His Death
- 'Allow Me to Mingle My Tears': The Aftermath of a 22-Year-Old Irishman's Death
- Photography Focus: Rare Images of an Irish American Family at War
- For Faith & Freedom: Four Men who Served the Pope and their Adopted Nation
- Thomas Molloy, Birr’s American Civil War Veteran
- Document Focus: Michael Corcoran in the Revenue Police
- Martial Ardor: The Brief, Exhilarating Life of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Joseph O’Keeffe
- Ellsworth’s Zouaves & the Gallant New York Fireman Who Saved the Colors of the 69th
- John O’Neill & the Fenian Raids into Canada
- John Joseph Coppinger: The Irish Letter that Launched An Illustrious American Career
- The Men Who Led the 69th New York on the Bull Run Battlefield
- T.J. O’Connell: In Search of the Cork Statistician who Profiled America’s Civil War Soldiers
- “Fearless Captain Billy O'”: Forgotten Fenian of the American Civil War
- Edward Wellington Boate: The Andersonville POW Who Came to the Defence of Henry Wirz
- Medal of Honor: Boatswain's Mate Patrick Murphy, U.S.S. Metacomet
- 'Patrick Cleburne & The Battle of Franklin': The 2014 Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Signature Event Keynote Address
- Midleton's Most Famous Forgotten Son? General John Joseph Coppinger
- A New Date of Birth Discovered for General Thomas Sweeny?
- 'We Were All Shaking in Nervousness': Luke Ferriter and Vermont's 'Sleeping Sentinel'
- 'Our Orphan Children Will Not Soon Forget Him': The Death of General Michael Corcoran
- 'Equaled by Few- Surpassed by None': Colonel James Mallon and the Battle of Bristoe Station
- John Browne of Ballylanders, Co. Limerick: Confederate Veteran, Mayor of Houston, Texas
- 'Father of the American Band': The Story of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
- Medal of Honor: First Lieutenant Menomen O'Donnell, 11th Missouri Infantry
- In Search of Michael Corcoran's Ireland
- Medal of Honor: Private Felix Brannigan, 74th New York Infantry
- 'Good-By, Good-By': Richard Byrnes Writes a Final Letter to His Wife
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant William Jones, 73rd New York Infantry
- Medal of Honor: Private Patrick Ginley, 1st New York Light Artillery
- Irish-Born Medal of Honor Project
- Robert McMillan, 24th Georgia Infantry: 'A Gallant Irishman at Fredericksburg'
- From Cappincur to Corinth, and Back: An Irish Artilleryman Comes Home
- James Rowan O'Beirne and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
- Medal of Honor: Assistant Surgeon Richard Curran, 33rd New York Infantry
- Medal of Honor: Seaman Martin McHugh Remembered
- Irish Colonels: Henry F. O'Brien, 11th New York Infantry
- Fighting Mike Lawler: Abe Lincoln’s Lilywhite General
- Medal of Honor: Landsman Thomas E. Corcoran, USS Cincinnati
- Irish Colonels: Michael Kerwin, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Medal of Honor: Private James Allen, 16th New York Infantry
- Thomas Alfred Smyth: Researching a Neglected Irish General
- General Patrick Henry Jones: An Exciting New Biography and Appeal
- Medal of Honor: Private Thomas T. Fallon, 37th New York Infantry
- James P. Sullivan, 6th Wisconsin: Skirmishing at the Battle of South Mountain
- Irish Colonels: Michael William Burns, 73rd New York Infantry
- Jennie Hodgers: The Irishwoman Who Fought as a Man in the Union Army
- Medal of Honor: First Sergeant Patrick Irwin, 14th Michigan Infantry
- Irish Colonels: Howard Carroll, 105th New York Infantry
- Confederates in Ireland: Father John Bannon Receives His Orders
- Medal of Honor: Private Michael Dougherty, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Irish Colonels: Michael Magevney Jr., 154th Tennessee Infantry
- Irish Born Brevet Generals: A New Resource on Irish in the American Civil War
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Thomas Plunkett, 21st Massachusetts Infantry
- Medal of Honor: Sergeant Dennis J.F. Murphy, 14th Wisconsin Infantry
- 'Ten Feet East of a Walnut Stump': An Irishman at Sharpsburg
- A Memorial for Thomas Francis Meagher
- First Shots: Stephen Rowan and the Fall of Fort Sumter
- The Death of Major-General Patrick Cleburne
- The Pope's Irish Soldiers and the Civil War
- Hunting John Wilkes Booth: The Man Who Led the Search for Lincoln's Killer
- The Funeral of General Michael Corcoran
- Father Corby Statue 100 Year Anniversary
- The Duel That Almost Changed History: James Shields Challenges Abraham Lincoln
- Patrick Ronayne Cleburne's Cork
- The Last to Fall: Thomas Alfred Smyth at Farmville
- Thomas Francis Meagher's Waterford
- Meagher Recruits for the Irish Brigade
- Irish American Civil War Generals
- Father Corby's Gettysburg Absolution
- Myles Walter Keogh Memorial
- A Gettysburg Hero's Irish Memorial
- A Biographical Sketch of General Patrick Cleburne
- Unveiling of Captain John Lonergan Memorial
- Inked Inmates: The Tattoos of Military Prisoners at Clinton Prison, 1864-1865
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Thomas O’Dea, The Clare Emigrant Who Immortalised Andersonville in Art. Part 1- Imagery.
- Combat Morale Podcast: The Irish Fighting for the Union Army in the U.S. Civil War
- Book Reviews: Voyage of Mercy & The Bonds of War
- Book Review: “We Have Them On Our Own Ground-Zouaves at Gettysburg”
- Andersonville Irish Project Update
- Video: The Civil War Life & Letters of New York’s Capital District Irish
- The Andersonville Irish Project
- Ireland’s American Revolution Redcoats, Part 1
- In Search of the American Civil War Dead of Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- A New One-Page Index for 700+ Irish in the American Civil War Articles & Resources
- Video: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- Donegal in the American Civil War Map Launched
- New Resource: Letters from America–American Civil War Correspondence in Irish Newspapers
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Ireland’s U.S. Navy War Brides Exhibition Booklet
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- "Our Ironclads on the James River": The Collected Correspondence of "Garryowen"
- Over Here: Researching U.S. Military in Ireland during World War One
- "I Saw San Francisco When it Was Only a Village": The Voices of California's Irish Pioneers
- "Their Cries Were Most Agonizing": An Irish-American's Overland Account, from The Wilderness to Petersburg
- Mapping Confederate Irish Veterans in 20th Century Alabama
- Four Years of the Irish at War in Poetry & Song
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- How Many Irish Fought in the American Civil War?
- Reporting the War in Irish Newspapers: Correspondence from the Petersburg Front
- A Visual Look at Irish Veterans in the G.A.R.: Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88, Staten Island (1)
- The 14 Irish Medal of Honor Recipients of the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama
- The Forgotten Sixty-Ninth: A Thesis on the 69th New York National Guard Artillery
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- In Bondage to the Irish: Slave Ownership Among Irish Confederate Officers
- Mapping Death in the American Civil War
- U.S. Military Pensioners in 19th Century Ireland: A Listing and Appeal
- How To Find American Civil War Veterans from Irish Counties: A Case Study of Mathew Dooley, Roscrea
- An Infographic of Irish Involvement in the American Civil War
- Scarred Men: The Disfigurements of New York Irishmen, 1863
- Marked Men: The Tattoos of New York Irishmen, 1863
- 'Rather a Monotonous Affair': An Irishman on the Union Blockade
- The Ages and Origins of the Union's Irish Soldiers
- 'Watch the Man's Movements': Illegal Recruitment for the Union in Ireland, Part One
- Naming Over 800 Union Soldiers Who Supported the Poor of Ireland
- The Losses of 21 Irish Regiments during the American Civil War
- The 146 Irish Recipients of the Medal of Honor from the American Civil War
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- Irish-Born Medal of Honor Project
- Irish Relief Fund: The Remarkable Contribution of Union Soldiers & Sailors, Part 1
- Resources: Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers
- Irish Casualties of the Fetterman Fight- A Complete List
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 2
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 1
- Irish-Born Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients: The Complete List?
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 2
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 1
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- The Irishmen Who Fell in the Fetterman Fight, 21st December 1866
- The Irish in the American Civil War Reading List
- Irish Born Brevet Generals: A New Resource on Irish in the American Civil War
- A Civil War Library Online
- After Action Reports
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Irish in the American Civil War: New Media
- Where Did Your Civil War Ancestor Live?
- Discover Your Namesake in the Civil War
- Irish American Civil War Generals
- Free Civil War Records Online
- Irish Medal of Honor Recipients
- Irish in the American Civil War Booklist
- Irish in the American Civil War
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Grave 3284. Owen Moloney. The Story of Famine Works and Famine Relief in West Clare, Preserved through a Victim of Andersonville
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: Thomas O’Dea, The Clare Emigrant Who Immortalised Andersonville in Art. Part 1- Imagery.
- “Might Have Had a Few Drinks:” Richard & John Ewing, Dublin Boys in Arms
- Podcast: Andersonville Prisoners & Leadville Miners
- Fictional Figures in Irish American Civil War Songs: Paddy O’Toole and Mister McFinnigan
- Extinguished Lives: Exploring Irish America & the Impact of War through the Battle of Williamsburg
- The Pension Building: A Photographic Tour of the Former Home of Irish American Civil War Pensions
- From the Institution to the Infantry: The Enlistment of Three Underage Inmates from the St. Louis House of Refuge
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: The Irish Relief Fund Donors who Died at Andersonville
- Document Focus: The Tyrells & their Family Register
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- “May God Spare You to Us Old Veterans of War”: An Inner City Dubliner’s Search for a Civil War Pension
- Marked Boys: The Tattoos of 19th Century Irish and Irish American Reformatory Inmates
- “I Came to this Country in or About 1857”: A Scalded Irish Emigrant Sailor Tells His Story
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Gettysburg National Cemetery
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Other Lost Shoes: The Forgotten Reform School Boys Who Fought the VMI Cadets at New Market
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- The Three Mary Driscolls: Marriage, Community & Loss Across the Atlantic, 1811-1893
- Podcast: Recovering East Limerick Voices from the American Civil War
- “Three Boys Were Taken”: The Yankee Teens Who Became Rebel “Pirates”
- Video: Recounting an Irish Woman’s Famine & Emigration Story at Bull Run
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- How Peter Keefe Came to Lose His Leg: A Story of American Coastal Raids, Escape Tunnels & Prison Breaks
- Searching for Irish Family at Christmas 150 Years Ago: “Information Wanted” Advertisements, 25th December, 1869
- Life & Limb: Exploring the Consequences of Non-Amputation for Five Irish Emigrant Soldiers
- The Story of a Tyrone Widow, a Misremembered Death, and a Letter from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- From Land of Enslavement to Land of Freedom, and Back: The Story of an African American Pensioner in Canada
- Podcast: The Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in the American Civil War
- An Elderly Fisherman in Dunmore East Remembers His Part in the American Civil War
- Illiterate Female Emigrants Remember their Famine-era Marriages in Ireland
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- Appeal: In Search of Donegal Veterans of the American Civil War
- “Leaving Off the ‘O'”: Insights into Irish Emigrant Name Changes in 1860s America
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
- Podcast: Enduring Obligations–Transatlantic Connections Between Emigrants and Ireland
- Returned Amputees: American Civil War Amputees Living in Ireland
- The Nilands: Uncovering A 19th Century Working Class Dublin Family’s Story in the American Pension Files
- Podcast Short: The Elderly Donegal Woman’s Predicament
- Mobile Bay: A Newly Uncovered Irish Letter From the Day of Battle
- Podcast Short: The Civil War’s Unfortunate Irish Servicemen
- “It Was Not For To Be Soldiers We Came Out”: Recruited Straight Off The Boat–Some New Evidence
- Remembering the Widows of Bull Run: Corcoran & Meagher Intercede
- Famine Emigrants Speaking Ill of The Dead: Revealing the Moral Failings of a Working-Class Irishman
- Dying to Vote: How the 1864 Presidential Election Cost an Irishman His Life
- “When a man Forgets his Wife and Child he Does Deserve Nothing Better”: Letters of Abandonment in 1860s America
- Photography Focus: Snoozing Dogs, Smoking Pipes & Smirks in Corcoran’s Irish Legion
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Illiterate Letters to the Clachan: Revealing One Family’s Emigration Story in 1870s Donegal
- Looking into the Face of A Pre-Famine, Working Class Irish Emigrant
- “He Went Home to Ireland to Die”: Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Roscommon Emigrants
- Video: Waterford & the American Civil War
- Inked Irishmen: Irish Tattoos in 1860s New York
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- Video: In the Footsteps of an Irish American Civil War Veteran on Tyneside
- The Sad Story of Kate Quilligan: Orphan in the West, Inmate in the East
- Revealing the Story of an Irish Railroad Gang & their Families in 1860 Tennessee
- “I was to Him like a Brother”: Bonds between Irishmen in the Civil War
- More Irish than the Irish: The Forgotten Irishmen of Gettysburg’s Wheatfield
- Transatlantic Obligations: A New Source for Immigrant Remittance Networks
- An American Veteran, Irish Workhouse, Cupid…and a Terrier
- Photography Focus: A Rare Image of Thomas Francis Meagher and the Men of Bull Run
- The Unveiling of Louis Lang’s “Great Historical Picture”, New York, 1862
- Leave by Order of the KKK: Conflict in War & Peace for a Louisiana Irish Republican
- “A Brutal, Good Natured Face:” A New York Irish “Rowdy” in War and Peace
- “God Has Called Your Husband…”: An Analysis of Death Notification Letters from the American Civil War
- Guest Post: Finding a Window into My Past…And Bringing a Fistful of Letters to Life
- Document Focus: Fragments of Ireland’s Lost 19th Century Censuses
- Christmas Advertisements for Irish Emigrants, 150 Years Ago
- “I Saw Him Gasping For Breath”: Irish Rhode Islanders at Fredericksburg
- “My Wife & Five Children is to be Starved”: An Irish Veteran Failed by the United States
- An Irish Geordie in the American Civil War & Tyneside’s Memorial Day Remembrance
- Photography Focus: The 69th New York State Militia & 9th Massachusetts at Mass
- Document Focus: The Aran Islands Parish Registry & Emigrant Networks
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne’s American Civil War Graves
- New York’s “Monster Irish Festival” & the Widows of Bull Run, 1861
- Valorous Veterans: Two Medal of Honor Recipients Support Each Other’s Pensions, 1891
- Rebel Prisoners, Fenian Guards: Correspondence from the Phoenix Brigade, Elmira Confederate Prison
- Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Emigrants: A Case Study of Pension File Affidavits
- Johanna Barry: The Story of an Emigrant Domestic in Ireland & America, 1836-1916
- Document Focus: Life & Death at Antietam in Telegraphs
- Looking into the Face of a Maimed Irish Soldier
- Naming Erin Hills: 19th Century Irish Emigrants & the 2017 U.S. Open
- The International Pension Crisis of 1893
- Mexican War Veteran, Civil War Veteran, Indian Officer: An Athlone Man's Quarter Century on the American Frontier
- "You damned Yankee sons of bitches…can kiss my arse": A Less than Loyal Irish Union Soldier in California
- Last Chevalier of Mulligan's Irish Brigade: A Poem for Decoration Day
- "Rather Than Hear My Father's Tongue": The Sad Story of Why William Flaherty Fought
- The Death of a Regular: Revealing an Ireland/New Jersey/Missouri Emigrant Network
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
- Document Focus: The Story of the Phelan Family Register
- Document Focus: The Story of the Corporal's Warrant
- Picturing the McNamaras: Images of the Irishman whose final letter home was cut from his body at Cold Harbor
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Exploring the 1867 Fenian Rising in Cork
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- "Tell Poor Mama": Draft Riots & Texas Prisons– Letters From The Gulf Blockade
- "My Cousin told me…that all my family were in America": A Search for 1860s Cork Emigrants
- The Distant Past? Ireland's American Civil War Grandchildren
- North Carolina Slave, Union Widow, Liberian Emigrant: The Journey of Nancy Askie
- Fairies, Púca & New Year’s Eve: An 1860s Irish Folktale for Irish-Americans
- Communicating Death & Creating Memory on Fredericksburg's Streets
- Hard Graft & Grasshoppers: Irish Homesteaders in 1870s Nebraska
- Manipulating Memory: The Story of the 9th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
- "Mother many a good man wint acrost the river but never come back, it was murder": An Irishman at Fredericksburg & Gettysburg
- Emigrant Irish Badgers: With the Second Wisconsin in Herbst's Woods
- 'Pro Patria Mori': The 94th New York Memorial & the Irish of Oak Ridge, Gettysburg
- In the Ghostly Footsteps of the Gettysburg Irish
- Podcast: The Forgotten Irish– Revealing the Personal Stories of 19th Century Emigrants
- The Other Bermuda Triangle: Invasion attempts in Ireland, America, and Bermuda
- 'All Abouth Home': An Illiterate Emigrant's Letters from America to Kerry in the 1850s
- Returned Americans: Identifying American Civil War Veterans on the Irish 1901 Census
- ‘Ireland at the Diggings’: The Irish of the California Gold Rush Celebrate Home, 1853
- 'Beyond the Power of My Feeble Pen': The Fate of a Limerick Octogenarian's Sons in the West, 1862
- Portraits from the New York Irish-American Weekly: 1861
- Killed By Torture? The Story of an 18-Year-Old Irishman's Death at the Hands of his Officers, New Orleans, 1865
- Why They Fought: An English-Irish-American Soldier on Orangemen, Englishmen & Why he Died for the Union
- "Mike, The Color Bearer": How a Famine Emigrant Became an American on the Battlefields of Virginia
- "We Irish had a Hard Time of it in Those Days": An Irish Veteran Remembers Andersonville
- Celebrating American Independence in Cork Harbour, 4th July 1862
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- "I want to see you before I die": Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in American Civil War Pension Files
- "I Sprung from A Kindred Race": George McClellan Cultivates the Irish Vote, 1863
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- The Ties that Bind: An Emigrant Derry Community & Those Left Behind
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- Video: Diaspora Ireland- Cobh & The American Civil War
- "As If they Were Shooting Ducks": An Irish Nova Scotian Gloucester Fisherman at War
- "The Lives of Her Exiled Children Will be Offered in Thousands": Edward Gallway, Fort Sumter & Foreseeing the Cost of Civil War
- "I Saw San Francisco When it Was Only a Village": The Voices of California's Irish Pioneers
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- "A Few Spoke Nothing But Gaelic": In Search of the Irish Language in the American Civil War
- War Prices! War Prices! Advertisements Aimed at Irish Soldiers & their Families from the American Civil War
- A Song For Mother: Last Letters of A 16-Year-Old Wisconsin Irish Immigrant
- Exploring St. Patrick's Day, 1866 in the "Wild West" – 150 Years Ago
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: Some Irish Dead in National Cemeteries
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- Imagining the Horrors of Death: An Irishwoman Learns of Her Husband's Death at Gettysburg
- Union Rebels: Civil War Veterans & the Fenian Campaign in Britain & Ireland, 1866-1868
- "The Blacks Fought Like Hell": Racism & Racist Violence in the Words & Actions of Two Union Irish Cavalrymen
- Union Rebels: The Erin's Hope– Fenian Gunrunning by Civil War Veterans
- Audio Lecture: Galway and the American Civil War
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- Photographs of Wounded Irishmen from the American Civil War
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- 'Slavery, At Last, Is At An End': Reporting on the Ratification of the 13th Amendment in Ireland
- Mapping Confederate Irish Veterans in 20th Century Alabama
- Four Years of the Irish at War in Poetry & Song
- The Keegans of Bray: Reconstructing the Story of A Famine-Era Emigrant Family
- Last Letters Home: Revealing the Pension File Correspondence of Union Irish Soldiers & Their Families
- Mud Marches, Radical Abolitionists & River Assaults: Letters from the Last Campaign of An Irish-American Soldier
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- The 'Polopticomorama': Bringing the American Civil War to Life in Irish Theatres, 1863
- 'In This Song I Will Make Mention of the Sons of Erin': Researching Irish Songs from the American Civil War
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- 'Tears Ease the Heart': A Teenage Galwegian Civil War Veteran in Texas, 1866
- The Dying Request: An Irish Soldier Seeks to Secure His Daughters' Future at Shiloh, 1862
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- Tired of the Killing of Men: An Irish Family's Story of Assisted Emigration, Missing Children & Letters Under Fire
- Book Review: Patrick Henry Jones, Irish American, Civil War General and Gilded Age Politician
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- 'The Flag that Has Given Protection to Persecuted Countrymen': An Irishman's Service to Union & Parents
- 'Goodbye For A While': An Irish Soldier's Last Letter Home, Found on his Dead Body at Cold Harbor
- Scalping, Big Braves & Butchery: An Irish Indian Fighter Writes Home to His Mother in Dublin
- Meagher's 'Drunken Freaks' & Old Abe 'Astonished': The Last Letters of John Doherty, 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- 'You Put Your Arm Around My Neck and Kissed Me': Sex, Love & Duty in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Soldier
- The Catholic Parish Registers Online: Revolutionizing the Search for 19th Century Irish Ancestors
- 'I Am Confused': The Emotional Shock of Pickett's Charge as Experienced by a Family & Friend
- Abbeyfeale's Louisiana Tiger: A Confederate Veteran Returns to Ireland
- 'Induced to Enlist': The Last Letter Home of an Irish Draft Substitute in 1864
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 4: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Roanoke
- 'I Will Sing the Song of Companionship': Peter Doyle– Former Confederate, Walt Whitman's Muse & Lover
- Edward Wellington Boate: The Andersonville POW Who Came to the Defence of Henry Wirz
- Bonds Between Women & Daguerreotypes of A Dying Man in 1862
- Dying at the Death: Remembering the Dorcy Family at Appomattox Court House
- 'Killed At The Surrender': The Journey of Two Irishmen to Their Deaths at Sailor's Creek
- 'The Next War': The New York Irish-American Looks Towards John Bull, April 1865
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- 'I Trust the Almighty Will Spare Me My Life': Charles Traynor & the Battle of Skinner's Farm, 25th March 1865
- Coal Mining, Draft Rioting & The Molly Maguires: From Laois to Schuylkill with the Delaney Family
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'Quite A Merry Time': A Union Irish Soldier Describes His Last St. Patrick's Day, 1863
- 'I Am Not Long For This World': An Irish-American Soldier Says Goodbye to His Family
- 'For God Sake Dear Son Write To Me': An Irish Mother's Desperate Plea in the Summer of 1864
- Hearing the Irish Accent of a Merrimac Victim Across 150 Years
- 'One of Our Brave Men Twice Wounded': An Image of Corporal William Kelleher, 125th New York Infantry
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Dublin
- 'He Was Never Seen or Heard From After': Dealing with Disappearance at the Battle of the Crater
- 'A Deep Blow to Your Heart': Patrick Clooney's Newly Uncovered Description of the Irish Brigade at Fair Oaks
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Sligo
- Stuck for Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas? Some Suggestions & Advice From 150 Years Ago
- 'Strange Soil Your Doom': Advice on How to Prepare for Emigration in 1863
- 'In the Midst of Sorrow': An Irish-American Sailor's Fate, Christmas Eve, 1864
- Reporting the War in Irish Newspapers: Correspondence from the Petersburg Front
- 'In Account Of We Being Irish': A New Irish Brigade Letter After Fredericksburg
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 3: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Hatteras Inlet
- 'Debilitated By Having Borne 13 Children': An Irish Emigrant Recounts Her Family Story, 1871
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Celebrating Thanksgiving Aboard Union Ironclads, James River, 1864
- Little Donegal in Pennsylvania: Chain Emigration and Ireland's Great Untapped 19th Century Historical Resource
- Sole Support: An Offaly Mother's Efforts to Keep Her Son, 1861
- Remembering the Reilly's at Cedar Creek- And How Ireland Forgets
- Michael Casey: The Dublin Emigrant & Civil War Veteran Who Met President Roosevelt
- Dependents: Portraits of 50 Irish People in New York Poorhouses, 1861-1865
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Cavan
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Galway
- 'I Hope…To See You Once More And Then I Would Die Contented': An Irish Mother Writes to Her Son
- Witnesses to History: A Memento of a Missing Man
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Donegal
- A Visual Look at Irish Veterans in the G.A.R.: Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88, Staten Island (1)
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 2: With Hawkins' Zouaves at Newport News
- Remembering James Sharkey: The Final Letters of an Irish-American Boy
- Storify: The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Kerry
- Storify: The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Cork
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The Civil War Letters of Captain James Fleming, Part 1: Larne to Canada
- The Irish Nanny in the (Other) White House
- 'The First Time the Old Corps was ever Whipped': A Letter from Ream's Station
- Gangs of New York: Recruiting the Irish ‘Straight Off the Boat’
- The Creation of an Irish Widow: The 33rd New Jersey at Peachtree Creek, 20th July 1864
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- 'The Yells of Wild Beasts and Shoshone Indians': An Irish Silver Miner in Nevada, 1864
- 'If You Ever Want To See Him Alive…Come Immediately': A Race Against Time For An Irish Soldier's Wife
- From Galway to Georgia: B.T. Johnston, Famine Emigrant, Confederate Pensioner
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- 'I Hope Soon To Be With You': The Civil War in Texas and Cork, 1866
- 'God Help Her': The Emotional Impact of Cold Harbor, 3rd June 1864, On Two Irish Women
- 'Tell Him I Am A Soger': Lyrics, Loyalty and Family in the Letters of an Irish Brigade Faugh
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- Memorial Day: The Irish-American Dead of Cold Harbor National Cemetery
- Timothy O'Sullivan Captures an Image to 'Live in History', 150 Years Ago Today
- 150 Years Ago: An Irish Photographer Captures the Overland Campaign
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- A 150 Year Old Missing Persons Case- In Search of a 19-Year-Old Irishman
- Midleton's Most Famous Forgotten Son? General John Joseph Coppinger
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- A New Date of Birth Discovered for General Thomas Sweeny?
- 'Flags of Old Ireland for One Cent!' and 'All's right- Dad's Sober': New York's St. Patrick's Day Parade, 1864
- ‘He May Be Lurking About Charleston’: The Hunt for Irish Confederate Deserters
- 'Friend Patt theres only 8 of us that left…': An Irish Brigade Soldier's Letter at War's End
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- 'We Were All Shaking in Nervousness': Luke Ferriter and Vermont's 'Sleeping Sentinel'
- A Remarkable Famine Emigrant: Catherine Long and the Union Cause
- A Long Lived Dubliner Who Witnessed Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
- Bowld Soldier Boys: The Return of Irish Brigade Veterans to New York, January 1864
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- U.S. Military Pensioners in 19th Century Ireland: A Listing and Appeal
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- How To Find American Civil War Veterans from Irish Counties: A Case Study of Mathew Dooley, Roscrea
- Book Review: The Green and the Gray- The Irish in the Confederate States of America
- 'Drop the Liftinant A Curtsey, Woman!': The Long Service of Sergeant James Fegan, 3rd US Infantry
- ‘How I Came to Kill Your Brother’: A Confederate Reveals an Irish-American’s Final Moments
- 'The Old Man of the Sea': The White Star Line's Oldest Passenger?
- Daniel Divver: An Irish Fireman in the American Civil War
- Broken Homes: Irish Soldier’s Attempts to Reunite their Families
- The Sorry End of Catherine Mullens: Famine Emigrant, Mother of Veterans
- 'So Mote It Be': A Ramelton, Co. Donegal Mason in the Confederate Army
- John Browne of Ballylanders, Co. Limerick: Confederate Veteran, Mayor of Houston, Texas
- 'Touch Her Off Azy!': An Incident at Chickamauga with Private 'Buffalo' Finnell
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- 'I Have Heard No News From Him': Catherine Mullen's Search for her Husband
- The Last Union Irish Veterans of the American Civil War
- 'After I Am Dead, Write to My Wife': An Irish Soldier's Last Moments Revealed
- 'Any Information Will Be Most Thankfully Received by His Mother': Tracing Missing Irishmen in 1860s New York
- War's Cruel Hand: The Dedicated Service of Edward Carroll, Irish Brigade
- Boston Immigrant to Crescent City Soldier: The Poignant Letters of William Hickey
- Scarred Men: The Disfigurements of New York Irishmen, 1863
- Marked Men: The Tattoos of New York Irishmen, 1863
- 'Father of the American Band': The Story of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
- 150 Years Ago: The Irish-American Reports on the New York Draft Riots
- An Image of Union Donors to the 1863 Irish Relief Fund, Forty Years On
- In Search of Willie: Seeking John Mitchel's Son After Pickett's Charge
- Reporting the Gettysburg Casualties of the 63rd New York, Irish Brigade
- The Ages and Origins of the Union's Irish Soldiers
- Medal of Honor: First Lieutenant Menomen O'Donnell, 11th Missouri Infantry
- In Search of Michael Corcoran's Ireland
- The Personal Story of Bernard Quinn: Irish Emigrant, U.S. Soldier
- A Soldier's Thoughts turn to Ireland- Petersburg, Virginia, 1864
- Medal of Honor: Private Felix Brannigan, 74th New York Infantry
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- 'Information Wanted': The Irish Missing and Disappeared of the Civil War
- A Regimental Child and the Baby Name Civil War
- 'Good-By, Good-By': Richard Byrnes Writes a Final Letter to His Wife
- 'Watch the Man's Movements': Illegal Recruitment for the Union in Ireland, Part One
- Revealed: The Tipperary Town Where the First Soldier to Die in the American Civil War was Born?
- 150 Years Ago Today: St. Patrick's Day in the Army of the Potomac
- Naming Over 800 Union Soldiers Who Supported the Poor of Ireland
- Irish American Civil War Veterans- in Australia
- The Irish Brigade Cigarette Case in the Attic
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- When Oscar Met Walt: Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, January 1882
- The Dead of the Irish Brigade: The Music and Message, 16th January 1863
- 'To Hate And Despise The Negro': Towards an Understanding of 1860s Irish Attitudes to African-Americans
- ‘Transported to Fairyland’: Christmas With Corcoran’s Irish Legion, 1862
- From Cappincur to Corinth, and Back: An Irish Artilleryman Comes Home
- Irish Relief Fund: The Remarkable Contribution of Union Soldiers & Sailors, Part 1
- Resources: Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers
- Irish Casualties of the Fetterman Fight- A Complete List
- McClellan or Lincoln? An Irish-American View of the 1864 Presidential Election
- 'O God! What a Sight': Tragedy for an Irish Family at Cedar Creek
- 'For The Love of the Holy Mother, Blow Out My Brains': An Irishman Dies at Third Winchester
- Counting the Cost: Reporting 28th Massachusetts Casualties after Second Bull Run and Chantilly
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- Jeremiah O'Brien: The Last Irish Veteran of the American Civil War?
- Bridget Diver: Custer's Female Wolverine
- Book Review: John Dooley's Civil War
- Identifying the Irishman who Fired the Union's First Shot of the American Civil War?
- Fenian Casualties at Gettysburg
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 2
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Corinth, Commissions and Commanding Officers, May 1862
- 'It is Colonel Corcoran I Blame': An Unhappy Irishman After Bull Run
- A Louisiana Tiger and Mosby Ranger in Ireland
- Nurse Mary McCoy, The Battle of Fair Oaks and a 'Tin Dipper' for President Lincoln
- 'Today I am a Boy Again': A Civil War Veteran Faces an Image of His Past
- 'Rum Racker's Club': A Ballad of the 164th New York in the Field
- ‘His Soul Escaped to the Bosom of His Maker’: A Limerick Man at the Battle of Shiloh
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Advance on Corinth, April-May 1862
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 90th Illinois Infantry
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 1
- St. Patrick's Day in the Irish Brigade: Petersburg, 17th March 1865
- Captain Lawrence Collins, 58th Illinois Infantry, and the Fall of Fort Donelson
- 'Any One Finding This Note…': A 69th New York Soldier Prepares for His Death
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Letters: Field of Shiloh, April 1862
- Irish Colonels: Henry F. O'Brien, 11th New York Infantry
- The Confederate Cavalryman Buried in Co. Dublin
- Spreading Fenianism in the Army of the Potomac
- The 42nd New York Infantry and 'The Relief of the Destitute Poor of Our Native Land'
- Federal Recruitment of Irish Militiamen during the American Civil War
- 'Allow Me to Mingle My Tears': The Aftermath of a 22-Year-Old Irishman's Death
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 2
- Appeal: The Blockade Runner Minna and The Malcomsons of Co. Waterford
- The USS Kearsarge and the 'Queenstown Affair', Co. Cork, 1863
- Christmas as a Prisoner of War, Richmond, 1863
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 1
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- Illustrations of the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg
- Book Review: Grant's Final Victory
- Edinburgh's American Civil War Memorial
- A Confederate Father and Union Son meet at Vicksburg, 1863
- Senior Citizen Soldier: Private Barney McAvoy, 154th New York Infantry
- 33 Men, A Cigarette Case, and the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg
- Book Review: Supplier to the Confederacy, Peter Tait & Co, Limerick
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Shiloh Letters
- Jennie Hodgers: The Irishwoman Who Fought as a Man in the Union Army
- Discussion and Debate: 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Discussion and Debate: A Response to 'On Stereotyping Irish Soldiers'
- Captain James Haggerty 69th N.Y.S.M. and the Battle of Bull Run
- The Death of Color Sergeant Peter Welsh, 28th Massachusetts Infantry
- One Irishwoman and her Umbrella at White Oak Swamp, 30th June 1862
- Portrait of an Irish Soldier
- The Irishmen Who Fell in the Fetterman Fight, 21st December 1866
- An Irishwoman Supplies the Confederacy
- A Corkwoman's Civil War Confederate Amnesty Petition
- Timothy O'Sullivan: The Irish Photographer Who Captured the Civil War
- James Wall Scully's Unpublished Battle of Mill Springs Letters
- Confederates in Ireland: Father John Bannon Receives His Orders
- Book Review: Civil War Citizens- Race, Ethnicity and Identity in America's Bloodiest Conflict
- 'Almost Reckless Daring': The 69th Pennsylvania at Glendale
- Book Review: Imported Confederate Uniforms of Peter Tait & Co., Limerick, Ireland
- St. Patrick's Day in the Army of the Potomac, 1863
- The Waterford Memorial to Captain Patrick Clooney, 88th New York, Irish Brigade
- Federal Recruitment in Ireland during the American Civil War
- President Abraham Lincoln and Hugh McLaughlin's Pay
- The Soldiers and Chiefs Exhibition
- Book Review: Notre Dame and the Civil War
- A Memorial for Thomas Francis Meagher
- An Irish 'Special Artist' with the Army of the Potomac
- Christmas with the Irish Brigade
- First Shots: Stephen Rowan and the Fall of Fort Sumter
- 'Simply Madness to Advance': The 116th Pennsylvania at Fredericksburg
- Book Review: Memoir of Andrew J. Byrne
- A Civil War Flag for the Irish People
- The Death of Major-General Patrick Cleburne
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- The Pope's Irish Soldiers and the Civil War
- Hunting John Wilkes Booth: The Man Who Led the Search for Lincoln's Killer
- Peter Tait's Limerick
- Where Did Your Civil War Ancestor Live?
- Mary Sophia Hill: The 'Florence Nightingale of the Army of Northern Virginia'
- The Funeral of General Michael Corcoran
- Father Corby Statue 100 Year Anniversary
- Book Review: Chicago's Irish Legion
- The Duel That Almost Changed History: James Shields Challenges Abraham Lincoln
- Patrick Ronayne Cleburne's Cork
- A Poem for the Irish Battalion
- Thomas Francis Meagher's Waterford
- Meagher Recruits for the Irish Brigade
- An Irish Soldier's Wartime Letter
- A Confederate Agent in Ireland
- 'Irish Molly' at Antietam
- A Long-lived Confederate Irishman
- Irish Pressed into Federal Service?
- Clothing the Confederacy: Taits of Limerick
- Tracing Thomas: The Story of a Young Donegal American’s Death in Normandy, and the Image that Recorded his Fate
- Competitive Citizenship: Post-War Debates between the Welsh and Irish
- Deadeye in Drag – A Mystery Solved?
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- Inked Inmates: The Tattoos of Military Prisoners at Clinton Prison, 1864-1865
- Fictional Figures in Irish American Civil War Songs: Paddy O’Toole and Mister McFinnigan
- “The Best Anti-War Song Ever Made”: On the Trail of Paddy’s Lament
- Video: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- “Annie Dearest”: A Corkman’s Last Letter Home during the Final Days of the Doomed USS Maine
- Americans Abroad: The 18th Century American Soldiers Who Lived in Ireland
- Podcast: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- An American Veteran, Irish Workhouse, Cupid…and a Terrier
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
- Christmas Advertisements for Irish Emigrants, 150 Years Ago
- “So Costly A Sacrifice Upon the Altar of Freedom:” The Story of the Sheehan Brothers of Fermoy & Vancouver
- Over Here: Researching U.S. Military in Ireland during World War One
- 'My Brother! My Dear Brother': The Extraordinary Encounter of an Irish Redcoat & Rebel During the War of Independence
- 'Our Orphan Children Will Not Soon Forget Him': The Death of General Michael Corcoran
- 'The Old Man of the Sea': The White Star Line's Oldest Passenger?
- 'Father of the American Band': The Story of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
- When Oscar Met Walt: Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, January 1882
- Midleton’s 19th Century American Soldiers & Sailors
- Video: Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Voices of the American Civil War
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 7401. George Sullivan, Dingle, Co. Kerry
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight: The Irish Relief Fund Donors who Died at Andersonville
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- “May God Spare You to Us Old Veterans of War”: An Inner City Dubliner’s Search for a Civil War Pension
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The Irish of Gettysburg National Cemetery
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- For Faith & Freedom: Four Men who Served the Pope and their Adopted Nation
- Three Bodies. Three Families. Three Stories. Kerry’s 1860s Diaspora in Ireland and New York
- “I was forced to leave Ireland, through Famine and starvation”: The Petition of Timothy Sullivan, Liverpool
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- The Three Mary Driscolls: Marriage, Community & Loss Across the Atlantic, 1811-1893
- Video: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- Podcast: Recovering East Limerick Voices from the American Civil War
- Video: Recounting an Irish Woman’s Famine & Emigration Story at Bull Run
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- How Peter Keefe Came to Lose His Leg: A Story of American Coastal Raids, Escape Tunnels & Prison Breaks
- The Story of a Tyrone Widow, a Misremembered Death, and a Letter from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- “Annie Dearest”: A Corkman’s Last Letter Home during the Final Days of the Doomed USS Maine
- Americans Abroad: The 18th Century American Soldiers Who Lived in Ireland
- Podcast: The Last Letters of Ulster Emigrants in the American Civil War
- An Elderly Fisherman in Dunmore East Remembers His Part in the American Civil War
- Illiterate Female Emigrants Remember their Famine-era Marriages in Ireland
- Video: The Story of a Donegal Islander in the American Civil War
- Appeal: In Search of Donegal Veterans of the American Civil War
- Podcast: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- John Joseph Coppinger: The Irish Letter that Launched An Illustrious American Career
- “Leaving Off the ‘O'”: Insights into Irish Emigrant Name Changes in 1860s America
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
- Podcast: Enduring Obligations–Transatlantic Connections Between Emigrants and Ireland
- Returned Amputees: American Civil War Amputees Living in Ireland
- Podcast Short: The Elderly Donegal Woman’s Predicament
- New Resource: Letters from America–American Civil War Correspondence in Irish Newspapers
- A Visual Journey through North Donegal’s American Civil War Landscape
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Illiterate Letters to the Clachan: Revealing One Family’s Emigration Story in 1870s Donegal
- Podcast: Catherine Garvin & The Search For Her Disabled Son in 1860s America
- “He Went Home to Ireland to Die”: Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Roscommon Emigrants
- Video: Waterford & the American Civil War
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- Video: In the Footsteps of an Irish American Civil War Veteran on Tyneside
- Transatlantic Obligations: A New Source for Immigrant Remittance Networks
- An American Veteran, Irish Workhouse, Cupid…and a Terrier
- “Fearless Captain Billy O'”: Forgotten Fenian of the American Civil War
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
- Document Focus: Fragments of Ireland’s Lost 19th Century Censuses
- “My Wife & Five Children is to be Starved”: An Irish Veteran Failed by the United States
- An Irish Geordie in the American Civil War & Tyneside’s Memorial Day Remembrance
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne’s American Civil War Graves
- In Search of Cornish Emigrants in the American Civil War
- Rebel Prisoners, Fenian Guards: Correspondence from the Phoenix Brigade, Elmira Confederate Prison
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War on a Manx Family
- Johanna Barry: The Story of an Emigrant Domestic in Ireland & America, 1836-1916
- The International Pension Crisis of 1893
- "Hoping you will not take it to heart": The Final Days of an Irish-American Boy Soldier
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Exploring the 1867 Fenian Rising in Cork
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- "My Cousin told me…that all my family were in America": A Search for 1860s Cork Emigrants
- The Distant Past? Ireland's American Civil War Grandchildren
- North Carolina Slave, Union Widow, Liberian Emigrant: The Journey of Nancy Askie
- The Other Bermuda Triangle: Invasion attempts in Ireland, America, and Bermuda
- 'All Abouth Home': An Illiterate Emigrant's Letters from America to Kerry in the 1850s
- Returned Americans: Identifying American Civil War Veterans on the Irish 1901 Census
- "My Own Dearest Maggie": The Last Letters of a Scottish Soldier of the American Civil War
- The Ties that Bind: An Emigrant Derry Community & Those Left Behind
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- Paddy Bawn Brosnan & the American Civil War: The Famed Gaelic Footballer’s Links to Kerry’s Greatest Conflict
- Analysing 19th Century Emigration, A Case Study: Dissecting One Irishman's Letter Home
- 'Slavery, At Last, Is At An End': Reporting on the Ratification of the 13th Amendment in Ireland
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- The 'Polopticomorama': Bringing the American Civil War to Life in Irish Theatres, 1863
- Recruited Straight Off The Boat? On The Trail of Emigrant Soldiers From the Ship Great Western
- The Forgotten County: Exploring the American Civil War Service of Britain's Irish Communities
- Tired of the Killing of Men: An Irish Family's Story of Assisted Emigration, Missing Children & Letters Under Fire
- Abbeyfeale's Louisiana Tiger: A Confederate Veteran Returns to Ireland
- 'The Next War': The New York Irish-American Looks Towards John Bull, April 1865
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- Medal of Honor: Boatswain's Mate Patrick Murphy, U.S.S. Metacomet
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Dublin
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Sligo
- 'Strange Soil Your Doom': Advice on How to Prepare for Emigration in 1863
- Reporting the War in Irish Newspapers: Correspondence from the Petersburg Front
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Little Donegal in Pennsylvania: Chain Emigration and Ireland's Great Untapped 19th Century Historical Resource
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Cavan
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Galway
- The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Donegal
- Storify: The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Kerry
- Storify: The #ForgottenIrish of Co. Cork
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- A 150 Year Old Missing Persons Case- In Search of a 19-Year-Old Irishman
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Our Orphan Children Will Not Soon Forget Him': The Death of General Michael Corcoran
- U.S. Military Pensioners in 19th Century Ireland: A Listing and Appeal
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- 'The Old Man of the Sea': The White Star Line's Oldest Passenger?
- 'Equaled by Few- Surpassed by None': Colonel James Mallon and the Battle of Bristoe Station
- In Search of Willie: Seeking John Mitchel's Son After Pickett's Charge
- A Yankee and Rebel Side by Side in Cork Harbour
- In Search of Michael Corcoran's Ireland
- Revealed: The Tipperary Town Where the First Soldier to Die in the American Civil War was Born?
- Irish Relief Fund: The Remarkable Contribution of Union Soldiers & Sailors, Part 1
- Fenian Casualties at Gettysburg
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 2
- A Louisiana Tiger and Mosby Ranger in Ireland
- American Civil War Veterans in Ireland: Part 1
- The Confederate Cavalryman Buried in Co. Dublin
- Spreading Fenianism in the Army of the Potomac
- The 42nd New York Infantry and 'The Relief of the Destitute Poor of Our Native Land'
- Federal Recruitment of Irish Militiamen during the American Civil War
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 2
- Appeal: The Blockade Runner Minna and The Malcomsons of Co. Waterford
- The USS Kearsarge and the 'Queenstown Affair', Co. Cork, 1863
- Face to Face with the Fenians: Mugshots of American Civil War Veterans, Part 1
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- Edinburgh's American Civil War Memorial
- Confederates in Ireland: Father John Bannon Receives His Orders
- Dual Allegiances: A Fenian Message during the Atlanta Campaign, 1864
- The Waterford Memorial to Captain Patrick Clooney, 88th New York, Irish Brigade
- Federal Recruitment in Ireland during the American Civil War
- The Soldiers and Chiefs Exhibition
- A Memorial for Thomas Francis Meagher
- Captain Patrick Clooney Memorial Restoration Fund
- A Walk Among Storied Tombstones: The American Civil War and Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
- Peter Tait's Limerick
- Where Did Your Civil War Ancestor Live?
- Patrick Ronayne Cleburne's Cork
- A Confederate Agent in Ireland
- Myles Walter Keogh Memorial
- A Gettysburg Hero's Irish Memorial
- Irish Pressed into Federal Service?
- Unveiling of Captain John Lonergan Memorial
- Clothing the Confederacy: Taits of Limerick
- New StoryMap: The Irish at Antietam- A Photo & Video Tour
- Andersonville Irish: The First 1000 Infographic- 1. Demographics
- Appeal: Seeking Information on Leitrim Civil War Servicemen
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Service
- Andersonville Irish Project: The First 850- Demographics
- Andersonville Irish: The First 350 Infographic
- Andersonville Irish Project Update
- Gettysburg’s Immigrant Dead 1: 19th Massachusetts Infantry
- Interview: Irish in the American Civil War & Digital Humanities
- Andersonville Irish: New Map & Database Update
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Tracing them Home: How Catholic Bishops Helped Locate the Irish House of a Pre-Famine Emigrant
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- Donegal in the American Civil War Map Launched
- A Visual Journey through North Donegal’s American Civil War Landscape
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War on a Manx Family
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- Charting Desertion in the Irish Brigade, Part 1
- Mapping Confederate Irish Veterans in 20th Century Alabama
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- Mapping Death in the American Civil War
- An Infographic of Irish Involvement in the American Civil War
- Scarred Men: The Disfigurements of New York Irishmen, 1863
- Visualising the Demographics of Death: 82 men of the 9th Massachusetts
- Resources: Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 90th Illinois Infantry
- Following Them Home: Discovering the Birthplaces of Irish Soldiers in the 23rd Illinois
- Where Were 'Irish' Soldiers From?: A Case Study of the 23rd Illinois Infantry
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- Video: International Pensioners of the American Civil War
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Visualising the Personal Stories of the 1866 U.S. Army Cholera Outbreak
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- From Land of Enslavement to Land of Freedom, and Back: The Story of an African American Pensioner in Canada
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Podcast: Catherine Garvin & The Search For Her Disabled Son in 1860s America
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War on a Manx Family
- The International Pension Crisis of 1893
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- North Carolina Slave, Union Widow, Liberian Emigrant: The Journey of Nancy Askie
- "I was Forewarned by a Dream": 1860s Emigrant Letters between Kansas & Kerry
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- 'I Feel Very Lonely and Downhearted': Isolation, Idealism and Kindred in the Letters of an Irish Emigrant
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- Dependent Father: How one Irish Brigade Soldier's Service Helped an Elderly Man in Rural Tipperary
- Object Focus: A “Living” American Civil War Pension Certificate from East Cork
- Andersonville Irish Spotlight. Grave 1139. James McMahon & His Widow Annie, “A Perfectly Abandoned Character”
- “Throwing Water on a Drownded Rat”: 1860s Letters from a Disintegrating Marriage
- Europe’s Graveyard: Andersonville’s European Legacy of Loss
- An Appearance in Civil War Monitor
- Charting Clare Chain Migration: From Kilrush to Joliet with the Killeens
- The Three Mary Driscolls: Marriage, Community & Loss Across the Atlantic, 1811-1893
- Video: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- Podcast: Recovering East Limerick Voices from the American Civil War
- Video: Recounting an Irish Woman’s Famine & Emigration Story at Bull Run
- In Defence of Substitutes: The Story of Mary & James Ryan of Drogheda, Canada & Vermont
- Illiterate Female Emigrants Remember their Famine-era Marriages in Ireland
- Podcast: Ireland’s First World War American War Brides
- A Sacrifice to the “Demon of Death”: A Mother Parts with an Image of Her Son
- Podcast: Enduring Obligations–Transatlantic Connections Between Emigrants and Ireland
- The Nilands: Uncovering A 19th Century Working Class Dublin Family’s Story in the American Pension Files
- Podcast Short: The Elderly Donegal Woman’s Predicament
- Remembering the Widows of Bull Run: Corcoran & Meagher Intercede
- Famine Emigrants Speaking Ill of The Dead: Revealing the Moral Failings of a Working-Class Irishman
- “When a man Forgets his Wife and Child he Does Deserve Nothing Better”: Letters of Abandonment in 1860s America
- A Visual Journey through North Donegal’s American Civil War Landscape
- Exploring the Stories of American Civil War Widows in Scandinavia
- Podcast: Catherine Garvin & The Search For Her Disabled Son in 1860s America
- “He Went Home to Ireland to Die”: Hearing the Voices of 19th Century Roscommon Emigrants
- Video: Waterford & the American Civil War
- The Kiely Family Story: From New York to Kilmacthomas Workhouse, and Back Again
- The Sad Story of Kate Quilligan: Orphan in the West, Inmate in the East
- Transatlantic Obligations: A New Source for Immigrant Remittance Networks
- An American Veteran, Irish Workhouse, Cupid…and a Terrier
- “God Has Called Your Husband…”: An Analysis of Death Notification Letters from the American Civil War
- From Dungarvan Workhouse to Samoan Grave: The Life & Letters of James Butler, United States Navy
- Document Focus: The Aran Islands Parish Registry & Emigrant Networks
- Ireland’s U.S. Navy War Brides Exhibition Booklet
- New York’s “Monster Irish Festival” & the Widows of Bull Run, 1861
- Johanna Barry: The Story of an Emigrant Domestic in Ireland & America, 1836-1916
- The International Pension Crisis of 1893
- "Your husband was torn almost to pieces": A Cork Woman Learns of Her Roscommon Husband's Death
- Mapping Britain’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- "She Hates Men": An Interview With A Troubled Irish Famine Emigrant
- Document Focus: The Story of the Phelan Family Register
- Picturing the McNamaras: Images of the Irishman whose final letter home was cut from his body at Cold Harbor
- Mapping Mainland Europe’s American Civil War Widows & Dependent Parents: An Online Resource
- Mapping Scotland’s 19th Century American Military Pensioners
- The Forgotten Irish Brought to Life on RTE Radio 1
- "I Not Onley Loved You But I Adored You": 19th Century Irish Emigrants Speak of Love, Loss & Alcoholism
- Whats in an Alias: Civil War Widowhood, Remembrance & Identity in the Words of an "Old Irishwoman"
- 'We Have No Interest…in the Claim": A Cork City Affidavit After A Death at Malvern Hill
- Imagining the Horrors of Death: An Irishwoman Learns of Her Husband's Death at Gettysburg
- Grieving for an Emigrant Son: The Story of the Finnertys of Galway City
- 'His Death is an Uncertainty:' Two Irish Women Search for Missing Husbands after Second Bull Run
- Bonds Between Women & Daguerreotypes of A Dying Man in 1862
- The Madigans: Famine Survival, Emigration & Obligation in 19th Century Ireland & America
- 'As Good A Chance to Escape As Any Other': A Cork Soldier's Aid to His Family in Ireland, 1864
- Speaking Ill Of The Dead: Eulogies & Enmity For An Irish Brigade Soldier
- 'For God Sake Dear Son Write To Me': An Irish Mother's Desperate Plea in the Summer of 1864
- 'He Was Never Seen or Heard From After': Dealing with Disappearance at the Battle of the Crater
- In Search of Con: The Remarkable Story of the Hunt for the 'Idiot' Boy Sold into Service
- 'Debilitated By Having Borne 13 Children': An Irish Emigrant Recounts Her Family Story, 1871
- 'God Has Called Your Husband to the Other Shore': The Letters that turned Wives into Widows
- Aran Islanders Abroad: An Inisheer Family and the American Civil War
- Sole Support: An Offaly Mother's Efforts to Keep Her Son, 1861
- Remembering the Reilly's at Cedar Creek- And How Ireland Forgets
- Dependents: Portraits of 50 Irish People in New York Poorhouses, 1861-1865
- 'I Hope…To See You Once More And Then I Would Die Contented': An Irish Mother Writes to Her Son
- Witnesses to History: A Memento of a Missing Man
- 'The Hard Industry of My Own Hands': Three American Civil War Widows in Ireland Struggle to Survive
- The Irish Nanny in the (Other) White House
- The Creation of an Irish Widow: The 33rd New Jersey at Peachtree Creek, 20th July 1864
- 'Your Likeness Was Buried With Him': A Letter to An Irish Soldier's Wife After Gettysburg
- 'If You Ever Want To See Him Alive…Come Immediately': A Race Against Time For An Irish Soldier's Wife
- Visualising One Irishwoman’s Experience of the American Civil War Using StoryMap JS
- 'God Help Her': The Emotional Impact of Cold Harbor, 3rd June 1864, On Two Irish Women
- Visualising the Impact of the American Civil War in Ireland with Palladio
- Telling the Personal Stories of 41 Civil War Pensioners on Storify
- 'Remember me to all the folks': The Last Letter to a Limavady Woman from her Husband
- 'Should this Book Be Ever Found on My Dead Body': A POW's Fate and a Letter to Ireland
- A Remarkable Famine Emigrant: Catherine Long and the Union Cause
- The Long Arm of War: The Impact of the American Civil War On A Dublin City Family
- Broken Homes: Irish Soldier’s Attempts to Reunite their Families
- The Sorry End of Catherine Mullens: Famine Emigrant, Mother of Veterans
- Remembering Chickamauga: Researching the Fate of Six 35th Indiana 'First Irish' Soldiers and their Families
- 'I Have Heard No News From Him': Catherine Mullen's Search for her Husband
- 'After I Am Dead, Write to My Wife': An Irish Soldier's Last Moments Revealed
- 'Any Information Will Be Most Thankfully Received by His Mother': Tracing Missing Irishmen in 1860s New York
- 150 Years Ago: The Human Cost of Chancellorsville for two Irish Women
- The Civil War Story of Patrick O'Dea and his 'Beloved Mother'
- 'I Know That Your Poor Heart Trembles': An Irish Mother Receives Word of Her Wounded Son, 1861
- Bridget Diver: Custer's Female Wolverine
- Nurse Mary McCoy, The Battle of Fair Oaks and a 'Tin Dipper' for President Lincoln
- 'Allow Me to Mingle My Tears': The Aftermath of a 22-Year-Old Irishman's Death
- Jennie Hodgers: The Irishwoman Who Fought as a Man in the Union Army
- One Irishwoman and her Umbrella at White Oak Swamp, 30th June 1862
- An Irishwoman Supplies the Confederacy
- A Corkwoman's Civil War Confederate Amnesty Petition
- Mary Sophia Hill: The 'Florence Nightingale of the Army of Northern Virginia'
- 'Irish Molly' at Antietam