Report of Major Patrick S.Tinen, Sixty-Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, of Operations October 27-28.

Hdqrs. Sixty-Ninth Pennsylvania Veteran Vols., October 30,1864.

Lieutenant: In accordance with orders this day received from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to report the following as the part taken by the portion of this regiment immediately under my command during the recent engagement with the enemy:

In the early part of the day I was ordered to take command of the right wing of the regiment, whilst Captain Charles McAnally, of Company G, was left in charge of the left wing and the One hundred and sixth Battalion Pennsylvania Volunteers. The report of the latter officer of the part taken by those under his charge is herewith forwarded. On the morning of the 27th instant, about 3 o’clock, the regiment moved forward from its position near the Yellow Tavern, with the rest of the brigade, to Hatcher’s Run. It was formed in line of battle in the rear of the brigade. The brigade being ordered to cross the run, I was ordered to take command of the right of the regiment, which was on the left of the brigade line. The left of the regiment, with the One hundred and sixth Battalion Pennsylvania Volunteers, was left in charge of Captain Charles McAnally. This was about 7.30 o’clock in the morning. My command then formed a skirmish line in the rear of the line of battle in order to cover the flank whilst advancing upon the enemy. We then moved forward in conformity with the line, and when it had advanced across the run as far as Key’s house, we moved by the right flank on the opposite side of a belt of woods and then formed a skirmish line facing outward from the left wing of the brigade, and remained in this position until we were relieved by an aide-de-camp from General Egan. We then advanced in company with detachments from other regiments of the brigade and also portions of the Third Division and joined our division (Second) at Wilson’s farm, on the Boydton plank road. This was in the neighborhood of 1 o’clock. We joined our brigade and formed on its right wing. We remained in this position but a few minutes when the brigade was ordered to countermarch by the left, and I received orders to take a position in the center of the brigade in the rear of the Twelfth New Jersey. The brigade moved forward on the Boydton plank road, and along it to a cut in the road, where it was halted and formed into two lines under a heavy artillery fire from the enemy. The brigade then moved in column to the right and across the plank and then by the left flank in line of battle and advanced upon the enemy. After advancing over a portion of the field, I was ordered by General Smyth to halt my command, with the Twelfth New Jersey Volunteers, and hold the ground. The remainder of the brigade then advanced, led by General Smyth and staff, charged upon the enemy, whom they repulsed, taking their line of works. Whilst we were in the position above stated the enemy attacked our troops to the right and rear of us. We then about-faced and a portion of the Third Division moved past us in the direction of our rear and charged upon the enemy. They were repulsed and were pursued by the enemy until they reached the road. At this point we opened fire on the enemy’s right flank and rear. The enemy then retired to the woods and directed their fire upon my command and the Twelfth New Jersey. The engagement was kept up during the remainder of the afternoon and until darkness had set in. We remained in our position until relieved by Captain Embler, between the hours of 1 and 2 o’clock at night, when we moved forward and rejoined our brigade at Hatcher’s Run. I would also report that during our skirmishing in the morning we came across a cavalry camp of the enemy and destroyed some two and a half barrels of flour, a lot of fresh beef, and about five or seven bushels of corn.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major, Commanding Regiment.

Lieutenant Theron E. Parsons,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.