Report of Captain Robert H. Milliken, Sixty-Ninth New York Infantry.
Hdqrs. Sixty-Ninth Regiment New York Volunteers, October 16, 1864
Lieutenant: I have the honor to forward the accompanying report of the operations of the Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers from May 4, 1864, to July 30, 1864, called for by Special Orders, Numbers 209, headquarters Army of the Potomac:
First Epoch.
This regiment crossed the Rapidan May 4, 1864, halting for about three hours on the south bank, when we resumed our march to Chancellorsville, halting for the night on the old battle-field. May 5, resumed our line of march toward the Wilderness, reaching there about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. We threw out a line of skirmishers, and were soon heavily engaged with the enemy, the fight lasting until dark. We threw out vedettes and held the position until about 11 o’clock, when we were relieved, and fell to the rear about a quarter of a mile; remained in this position until about 6 a. m. on the 7th.
Second Epoch.
May 7, moved to Todd’s Tavern, reaching there about noon, threw up a line of breast-works, and remained in them until next day, when we were moved to the left and repelled the attack of the enemy, who had driven in our pickets. Remained in this position until the 9th, when we moved to the Po River, reaching there in the afternoon; crossed to the south side, threw up intrenchments; remained in them until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when we fell back to the north side under a heavy fire, leaving a skirmish line on the opposite bank, which was forced to retire, when we destroyed the bridge after they crossed; remained in this position all night. Next day employed in building breast-works. On the night of the 11th we moved to Spotsylvania, reaching there about 2 o’clock. We then formed close column of divisions and rested until morning. At daybreak on the 12th we charged upon the enemy’s works, participating in the capture of their guns, colors, and prisoners. We were engaged all the forenoon until relieved, when we fell back a short distance and remained in reserve until next morning. Moved a short distance to the left, and rested until the night of the 17th, when we moved to the right and charged on the enemy’s works. On the morning of the 18th captured the first line. We held the position and kept up a continual fire all day; were relieved in the evening and marched a distance of 7 miles to the left; encamped and remained there until the night of the 21st.
Third Epoch.
Moved toward the North Anna on the night of the 21st of May, reaching there on the 23d. Remained on the south bank doing picket duty until the evening of the 26th, when we crossed to the north side.
Fourth Epoch.
May 27, marched to the Pamunkey River, reaching there about noon on the 28th. Crossed to the south side, marched about 1 1/2 miles beyond the river, threw up breast-works, and remained in position behind them until about noon on the 29th, when we moved about 4 miles to the left to Allen’s Cross-Roads, intrenched line, and remained until the night of the 1st of June, when we marched to Cold Harbor, reaching there about noon on the 2nd. Intrenched and remained in position until the 3rd, when we charged on the enemy’s works, but did not succeed in capturing them. We fell back a short distance, threw up works, and remained behind them until the 12th.
I remain, lieutenant, your obedient servant,
Robert H. Milliken,
Captain, Commanding Regiment.
Lieutenant George Mitchell,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Consolidated Brigade.
Source: Official Records Series 1, Volume 36. Chapter 68, pp. 394- 396