Report of Major Richard Moroney, Sixty-Ninth New York Infantry.
Hdqrs Sixty-Ninth New York Volunteers, December 27, 1864.
Lieutenant: In compliance with circular for brigade headquarters, dated December 26, 1864, I have the honor to make the following report of the operations during the campaign commencing May 3, 1864:
This regiment broke camp near Stevensburg, Va., on the night of May 3, Captain Moroney commanding (now major). Aggregate strength present for duty: Commissioned officers, 19; enlisted men, 387; total, 406. Marched all night and crossed the Rapidan River about 7 a. m., where the men had to wade the river up to their bodies in water; continued the march for about 2 miles south of Rapidan and rested for a short time; resumed our march to Chancellorsville, where it rested on the night of the 4th instant. Marched to Wilderness and engaged in action May 5, 6, and 7. Loss: Enlisted men killed, 7; wounded, 37; missing, 8; total loss battle of the Wilderness: Commissioned officers, none; enlisted men, 52.
Major Garrett reported for duty and assumed command 5th instant; marched to Todd’s Tavern and in action May 8, where the regiment lost 1 man taken prisoner while on picket. Crossed Po River on the 9th; in action May 10. Loss: Killed, enlisted men, 2; wounded, enlisted men, 9; missing, enlisted men, 6 (supposed to be killed). Recrossed Po River on the night of the 10th, threw up intrenchments on the 11th instant, and marched to Spotsylvania near the court- house, where the regiment participated with the division, General Barlow commanding, in the assault on the enemy’s works on the 12th instant. Intrenching, &c., was carried on mostly night and day; also very heavy firing was kept up between the pickets. The battle of Spotsylvania included May 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, during which time the regiment lost: Commissioned officers killed, 1; wounded, 1; missing, 2, wounded and taken prisoners May 12 and died in Richmond. Enlisted men killed, 20; wounded, 71; missing, 11; total, 102. Rested two days; marched to and crossed the Mattapony River; 21st instant, marched to and crossed North Anna River; 23rd and 24th, marched to and crossed Pamunkey River (Battle of North Anna River, to include 23d, 24th, 25th, and 26th of May; lost 3 enlisted men either killed or taken prisoners), leaving pickets behind in earth-works; the pickets came up afterward in a short time and joined the regiment. Marched to Cold Harbor; engaged the enemy on the 3rd day of June, 1864 (Battle of Cold Harbor, to include June 3). Regiment lost: Commissioned officers killed, none; wounded, 2 (Captain Milliken and Major Garrett); enlisted men killed, 10; wounded, 33; missing, none. Took up a position and remained until June 12.
I have the honor to be, &c.,
Richard Moroney,
Major, Comdg. Sixty-ninth New York Vols.
Lieutenant William H. Courtney,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Second Brigade.
Source: Official Records Series 1, Volume 36 (Part 1). Chapter 48, pp.393- 394