Report of Lieutenant James J. Smith, Adjutant Sixty-Ninth New York Infantry.

Hdqrs. Sixty-Ninth New York Volunteers, December 3, 1863.

Lieutenant: In compliance with circular of yesterday, calling for a report of the recent operations from the commandant of this regiment, I beg leave to submit the following report:

That this regiment (now consolidated with the Sixty-third and Eighty-eighth New York and One hundred and sixteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers), in compliance with order received on the night of November 25, broke camp on the morning of the 26th instant and marched to Germanna Ford, where we crossed the same afternoon, and advanced to the second line of the enemy’s works (then abandoned), where we rested about an hour, After which we moved forward on the plank road about 3 miles, turned into the fields to the right, where we rested during the night. November 27, commenced the march at daybreak, and marched to near Robertson’s Cross-Roads. About 4 p. m. were marched to the field on the right of the road, where we were formed into line of battle on right of Third Brigade. Heavy skirmishing all day in our front. Rested here all night. November 28, rained hard all day. Marched to near Mine Run, were filed into the woods on right of road, where we rested during the night.

November 29, marched to the left of the camp of Gregg’s cavalry division, then took the road toward Orange Court-House, about 9 a. m., and was detailed to support the Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, who skirmished the woods on right side of road. Afterward Company A, Lieutenant O’Neil commanding, was thrown out as skirmishers on left side of road, and met the picket of Wilcox’s division of Hill’s corps. The skirmish line was strengthened by the addition of companies from each of the other battalions of the brigade with the Fifty-seventh New York, all under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Chapman, of the Fifty-seventh New York. About 4 p. m. the skirmish line advanced, supported by the balance of the brigade, drove in the enemy’s pickets, and occupied the advance line during the night.

Next morning, November 30, received orders that the battalions were detailed as ammunition guard, and marched to the train and established train guard (details from all the battalions), the balance of the battalions acting as a reserve.
About 12 m. Company A on the picket line was relieved by the skirmishers of the Third Corps, and rejoined the battalion. Same evening the train moved about 1 mile to the rear.

December 1, about 8 p. m., received orders to get under arms, the train being ordered to the rear. This battalion was deployed on the right side of the train, and marched with it until the train crossed the Rapidan River, and parked about 4 a. m., December 2; men rested on side of road until daybreak, when we got under arms and marched back to camp.

I also beg leave to state that I have no casualties to report, and also that Company A of this regiment, Lieutenant O’Neil commanding (the company detailed as skirmishers, who held and occupied the front line during the night of November 30, one of the coldest nights we have had, without cooked rations and without fire), deserves special mention. I also beg leave to state that Lieutenant Mansergh, commanding Company B, ably assisted in all duties required.


James J. Smith,

First Lieutenant  and Adjutant, Commanding  Sixty-Ninth N. Y. Vols.

Lieutenant  Miles McDonald,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.