Report of Major Richard Moroney, Sixty-Ninth New york Infantry.

Headquarters Sixty-Ninth New York Volunteers, December 27, 1864.


Took up our line of march; crossed the Chickahominy June 13, reaching the James River at night, and crossed the same the following night.

June 14 (15), took up line of march for Petersburg. Engaged the enemy on the evening of the 16th of June in their works, driving them out of their entrenchments, the Union forces victorious.

Battle before Petersburg, Va., to include the 16th of June, regiment lost: Commissioned officers, killed, 1; wounded, 3. Lieut. Col. James E. McGee, commanding regiment, was wounded on the 16th day of June. Captain Wall succeeded him in command. At that time Captain Richard Moroney was in command of the Sixty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, which threw Captain Wall senior officer in the Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers. On the 17th instant Captain Moroney assumed command of the Second Brigade, vice Colonel Kelly (killed in action on the 16th instant), and so remained until the consolidation of the Second and Third Brigades took place, and then had command of the First Provisional Regiment. This regiment (Sixty-ninth) lay in position in front of Petersburg from the 17th of June to the 26th of July. Between such time advanced, participating in the erecting of forts, &c., doing picket duty.

On the afternoon of July 27 (26) broke camp and took up our line of march, reaching the James River. Continued our line of march to Deep Bottom, reaching there the same day [27th], where we met the enemy. July 28, 1864, attacked the enemy, compelling him to leave his intrenchings. Remained in position in front of the enemy to the evening of the 29th instant, when we took up our line of march back to our former position in front of Petersburg, Va., reaching there on the morning of the 30th instant, where we remained until August 12, 1864.

I have the honor to be, &c.,

Richard Moroney,

Major, Commanding Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers.

Lieut. William H. Courtney,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Brigade.

Source: Official Records Series 1, Volume 40 (Part 1). Chapter 52, pp. 350