Report of Major William DeLacy,Thirty-Seventh New York Infantry.
Camp Sickles, VA.,
May 7, 1863.
Lieutenant: In compliance with instructions from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to make the following report:
The regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Riordan, struck tents on the morning of the 28th ultimo, and marched about 6 miles toward the Rappahannock River, on our left, where we encamped, and on the 30th ultimo changed our course and marched toward the United States Ford, and crossed May 1, about 11 a.m., having rested for an hour at Chancellorsville, marched to the right, about 1 1/2 miles on the Gordonsville Plank road.
Was then ordered to the front by General Birney, to support a battery, where we remained until about 7 a.m. on the 2nd instant, when we were ordered to connect with the left of General Howard’s command, which we succeeded in doing.
Remained in that position until about 3.30 p.m., when we were relieved by part of General Whipple’s division. Moved to the front, and were ordered to report to General Ward, and remained with his brigade about two hours, when the line advanced, after which we joined our own brigade, and marched back to the same place we held the previous night.
Took part in the night attack about 11 o’clock. Drove some troops from the rifle-pits on our right, and were received so warmly, and not knowing the amount of damage done the enemy, it was deemed prudent to fall back to where we started from.
Next morning (3rd instant), about 4 a.m., our brigade was moving to the rear, and, as we were about to follow the Seventeenth Maine Regiment, we were ordered to file into line, but before half the regiment was formed the enemy opened a deadly fire on our front and left flank, which caused a little confusion in consequence of the regiment not being formed, which compelled us to fall back. The regiment was again rallied and took the same position, and, after some hard fighting, fell back to the rear about half a mile. About 100 men were rallied near the Gordonsville Plank road by Major DeLacy and a member of General Hooker’s staff (Colonel Birney) where we remained a short time, and, being joined by Lieutenant-Colonel Riordan, were conducted by him to the river, where we met a part of several regiments of the brigade. We were then informed by Captain Smith, of Colonel Hayman’s staff, where the brigade was.
We then rejoined the brigade, and remained in the rifle pits until the morning of the 6th, when we crossed the river, and returned to our old camping-ground near Potomac Creek.
Among the officers who distinguished themselves in the action of the 3rd instant were Capts. W.T. Clarke, J.W. Barley, J.R. O’Beirne, and R.J. Murphy, First Lieutenant L. Murphy, and Second Lieuts. James Boyle and James McDermott.
The casualties, as near as can be ascertained, are as follows:
Officers and men | Killed | Wounded | Missing | Total |
Commissioned officers | – | 5 | 1 | 6 |
Enlisted men | 4 | 89 | 137 | 230 |
Total | 4 | 94 | 138 | 236 |
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Wm. DeLacy,
Major 37th New York Volunteers, Commanding Regiment.
Lieutenant J. Henry,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Brigade.