Report of Lieutenant Colonel Augustus G. Tassin, Thirty-Fifth Indiana Infantry, of Operations December 15-19, 1864.

Headquarters Thirty-Fifth Indiana Volunteers,

In the Field, near Rutherford’s Creek, Tenn., December 19, 1864.

Captain: On the evening of the 14th instant, while in front of Nashville, I received orders to be ready to move at 6 o’clock the next morning, with three days’ rations in haversacks and each man supplied with sixty rounds of ammunition. On the morning of the 15th moved outside of our works in front of the city, and formed in line of battle, my regiment being in the second line of our brigade, which was held in reserve, the Twenty-third Kentucky on my right, and the Ninety-sixth Illinois on the left. Our front line having carried the enemy’s works and still advancing, our brigade moved forward in support until after dark, when we went into camp about three miles and a half from Nashville, on the right of the Granny White pike, and between it and the Hillsborough pike. Next day (December 16) broke camp at daylight, and advanced in line of battle upon the enemy, who had formed a new line of defense about two miles in the rear of the works taken by our troops on the preceding day. The Thirty-fifth Indiana held the center of the second line of the brigade, with the One hundred and fifteenth Illinois on the right and the Twenty-third Kentucky on the left; in this order was gradually advanced until the rebel works came in view, when a rebel battery opened on our front line. The brigade being at a halt, we remained in this position exposed to the fire of the enemy’s artillery, which was kept up irregularly on our line. While in this position several shots came tearing through my regiment, two of which killed 2 men and mortally wounded 2 others. About 4 p. m. our front line was ordered to charge, and carrying the enemy’s works, the second line moved rapidly in support. The enemy broke and fled in confusion, our brigade rapidly pursuing in the same order as they formed in the morning, until dark, when we halted and bivouacked about eight miles from Nashville, 300 yards on the right of the Franklin pike. Next morning (the 17th) took the line of march for Franklin, and camped about one mile from the town, there to wait until a bridge could be constructed across the Harpeth River for the troops to cross. Crossed the river next morning, marched eighteen miles, and camped about three miles beyond Spring Hill, on the right of the Columbia pike.

My officers and men behaved gallantly. Although the majority of the men of my regiment are recruits they did well. Great praise is due to Father Cooney for his constant presence in the field, attending to the wants of the wounded and cheering us all by his presence.

The following are the casualties in my command. They occurred on the 16th.*

Trusting that the conduct of the Thirty-fifth Indiana has met the approval of the general commanding the brigade, I submit this hasty and hurriedly written report.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

August. G. Tassin,

Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry.

Captain  H. F. Temple,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

*2 men killed and 2 men wounded

Source: Official Records Series 1, Volume 45, Part 1. Chapter 57, pp. 202-203