The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a Union veteran organisation originally founded in 1866. It would eventually become a significant lobby group with major political clout, particularly when it came to veterans affairs. In the State of New York, a number of G.A.R. Posts bore the names of Irishmen who served in the conflict; examples included G.A.R. Post #567 which was named for Thomas Francis Meagher and G.A.R. Post #69 named for James Shields in New York City, and G.A.R. Post #28 in Buffalo named for the McMahons of Corcoran’s Irish Legion. I am interested in how many Irishmen joined these posts, and what their military service history and social profile was. I hope to explore these questions graphically in a number of future articles on these ‘Irish-named’ G.A.R. Posts. This first one looks at some of the statistics for Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88, which was established in Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York.

The statistics for the graphics below are taken from the Descriptive Book of Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88 from 1st December 1873, which provides details on a total of 46 Post members. The graphics below focus on breakdown by nationality, job-type and residence. A follow-up piece will examine the service of the men, looking at details such as length of service and branch of service. All the graphs have been generated in Excel based on a database I have created of the Post’s members. (2)

The % percentage breakdown by birthplace of the men in Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88. Ireland dominates with 18, followed by the United States by 16. The other countries were England (6), Germany (4), France (1) and Unknown (1). (Click on image for larger view)

The % percentage breakdown by birthplace of the men in Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88. Ireland dominates with 18, followed by the United States by 16. The other countries were England (6), Germany (4), France (1) and Unknown (1). (Click on image for larger view)

The Professions of the members of THomas Francis Meagher Post #88.

The Professions of Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88 members. (Click on image for larger view)

The professions of the Irish-born members of Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88. It is dominated by Laborers, followed by Clerks and Painters.

The professions of the Irish-born members of Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88. It is dominated by Laborers, followed by Clerks and Painters. (Click on image for larger view)

The locations where members of THomas Francis Meagher Post #88 lived. Note that two of the men gave their address as aboard the US vessel 'Fern.'

The locations where members of Thomas Francis Meagher Post #88 lived. Note that two of the men gave their address as aboard the USN vessel ‘Fern.’ (Click on image for larger view)

Percentage breakdown of where the Irish-born members of the Post lived. Based on 13 men who lived in Tompkinsville (72%) and 5 who lived in New Brighton (28%). (Click on image for larger view)

Percentage breakdown of where the Irish-born members of the Post lived. Based on 13 men who lived in Tompkinsville (72%) and 5 who lived in New Brighton (28%). (Click on image for larger view)


Descriptive List of Grand Army of the Republic Thomas Francis Meagher Post#88, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York.