I had the great privilege at the weekend of being the after-dinner speaker for the Tipperary Remembrance Trust event. The Trust is dedicated to the memory of all Irish men and women who have died worldwide in the cause of peace and freedom. The President of Ireland Mary McAleese dedicated the Trust’s Memorial Arch in Tipperary Town in 2005, and every year since the Trust has held a dinner and lecture, followed the next day by a memorial service in the Garrison Church and a wreath laying ceremony at the Arch. Many Irish veterans attended, as did military representatives from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Major-General David O’Morchoe was also present, representing the British Legion in Ireland.
I greatly enjoyed sharing the story of the Irish in the American Civil War in a forum of remembrance. I hope it is the first of many opportunities we have to remember the Irish of the conflict in such a setting. The United States was represented by Military Attaché to Ireland Lieutenant-Colonel Sean Cosden, who laid a wreath in memory of all those Irish who have died in the service of America, including those who lost their lives during the Civil War. Enormous credit is due to Mick Haslam and his team for the continued success of this remembrance event. Sara Nylund took some photos to capture the falvour of the event which are shared with you below.

Some of the military personnel who attended the dinner and my talk for the Tipperary Remembrance Trust (Sara Nylund)

The military representatives prepare to set off from the Garrison Church to the Remembrance Arch (Sara Nylund)

Major-General David Nial Creagh O’Morchoe lays a wreath on behalf of the Royal British Legion of Ireland (Sara Nylund)

Lieutenant-Colonel Sean Cosden lays a wreath on behalf of the United States Armed Forces (Sara Nylund)
October 2, 2013 9:27 pmHi, Damien:
Many thanks for the photos and what a wonderful occasion is captured by Sara. I know David O’Morchoe from way back when. A lovely man – and his wife, too.
I gave my Women in the Era of the CW presentation to the Wexford Hist Soc a fortnight ago. Met old friends and stayed over with dear friends from our younger days.
I got your book the other day and have had a good look through prior to perusing it at leisure – when I can get it. EWell done and it looks great. I’m writing away all the time on Irish in the era of the CW – a big subject and, I hope, not too big! But I’ll finish it – if it doesn’t finish me first!
______________ Aidan
Damian Shiels
October 6, 2013 11:32 amHi Aidan,
The General is a lovely man, it was a great pleasure to meet him. I really am looking forward to hearing that lecture some day soon I hope I can make one! Thanks re the book, I hope you enjoy it. We need to get more people to help us out in this regard- considering thousands from each county were involved there really should be groups from all over the island focusing in this period of our history (as is currently the case with World War One). Hopefully someday that will be the case.
Kind Regards,
October 27, 2013 10:59 pmThank you for this article.Those that fought are still remembered..
Damian Shiels
October 28, 2013 8:05 amMany thanks for the comment, I am glad you enjoyed it.