The Civil War Preservation Trust has released its History Under Siege report, a guide to America’s most endangered and at risk battlefield sites of 2010. I would encourage you to take some time to have a look at the report, and to support the CWPT’s efforts if possible. A wide range of sites are threatened, including battlefields such as the 1861 engagement at Belmont, Missouri where the 2nd (Knox Walker’s) Tennessee Infantry Regiment of Memphis Irishmen first came face to face with battle, and Cedar Creek, Virginia where the 9th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, the Irish Regiment, fought with “Little” Phil Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864. The list also includes  sites such as Gettysburg, The Wilderness and Chickamauga, illustrating that not even the more famous battlefields are immune from threat. It is to be hoped that the CWPT and the groups supporting them at these sites are successful in their preservation efforts.